Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Yellowlees

We have no records about Yellowlees being used as firstname.
De achternaam Yellowlees wordt minstens 154 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.

      Surname Yellowlees
Gegeven namen
John Yellowlees (8)
David Yellowlees (5)
George Yellowlees (4)
Catherine Yellowlees (4)
Ben Yellowlees (3)
Karen Yellowlees (3)
Alison Yellowlees (3)
Ian Yellowlees (2)
Alexander Yellowlees (2)
Hazel Yellowlees (2)
Christopher Yellowlees (2)
Elizabeth Yellowlees (2)
Diane Yellowlees (2)
Fiona Yellowlees (2)
Gary Yellowlees (2)
Claire Yellowlees (2)
Jean Yellowlees (2)
Jane Yellowlees (2)
Robin Yellowlees (2)
Sheona Yellowlees (2)
Tom Yellowlees (2)
Morag Yellowlees (1)
Michael Yellowlees (1)
Peter Yellowlees (1)
Sarah Yellowlees (1)
Emma Yellowlees (1)
Mark Yellowlees (1)
Margaret Yellowlees (1)
Karlie Yellowlees (1)
Jennifer Yellowlees (1)
Jeannot Yellowlees (1)
Heather Yellowlees (1)
Lesley Yellowlees (1)
Georgina Yellowlees (1)
Gillian Yellowlees (1)
Grant Yellowlees (1)
Eleanor Yellowlees (1)
Clive Yellowlees (1)
Dennis Yellowlees (1)
Jack Yellowlees (1)
Lloyd Yellowlees (1)
Dale Yellowlees (1)
Elda Yellowlees (1)
Don Yellowlees (1)
Harold Yellowlees (1)
Gerry Yellowlees (1)
Vivien Yellowlees (1)
Dave Yellowlees (1)
Rob Yellowlees (1)
James Yellowlees (1)
Glen Yellowlees (1)
Ken Yellowlees (1)
Norm Yellowlees (1)
Charlotte Yellowlees (1)
Daniel Yellowlees (1)
Darren Yellowlees (1)
Deirdre Yellowlees (1)
Audrey Yellowlees (1)
Ann Yellowlees (1)
Alastair Yellowlees (1)
Aaron Yellowlees (1)
Andrea Yellowlees (1)
Andrew Yellowlees (1)
Angela Yellowlees (1)
Duncan Yellowlees (1)


Yellowlees reversed is Seelwolley
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Lelylwoese Sleyleowel Eloylleesw Weellyleos
Misspells: Yellowleess Iellowlees Yellovvlees Yellowleesa Ylelowlees Yellowlese

Rijmen: flees jubilees lees parolees lessees referees retirees legatees

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States United Kingdom Canada Germany Europe Denmark Jersey Australia India Spain South Africa Korea Japan Brazil France


Beroemde mensen: Norm Yellowlees

schrijvers: Peter Yellowlees, D. Yellowlees, Michael Yellowlees, Alex Yellowlees

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