Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Wanclik

We have no records about Wanclik being used as firstname.
De achternaam Wanclik wordt minstens 11 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (France,Poland)

Gegeven namen
Wieslawa Wanclik (1)
Beata Wanclik (1)
Wieslaw Wanclik (1)
Zofia Wanclik (1)
Bronislaw Wanclik (1)
Boguslaw Wanclik (1)
Nelly Wanclik (1)
Pierre Wanclik (1)
Isabelle Wanclik (1)
Fabien Wanclik (1)

Wanclik   Wanclik   

Wanclik reversed is Kilcnaw
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Wnakcil Clawkin
Misspells: Wonclik Wanclyk Vvanclik Wancljk Wanclek Wanclika Wnaclik Wanclki Wancilk

Rijmen: Menelik public publick sundeck rustic cultic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
wanclik says: origin of the name :wenceslas, wenzel, sohn of wenzel, (german roman empire imperator) this name has been given to the descendants of the Przemyslides dynastie.It is documented in the archives of the Habsburg.The variant written with the letter e or the letter a is local.The most remote origin comes from wienceslav, "more glory" given to leaders in this region.

wanclik tade says: there are more wanclik alive today :my wife wanclik tania de souza clausell, my son born in germany and living in brazil,bertrand clausell wanclik, my daughters isabelle clausell wanclik, and annelaure clausell wanclik, both born in Brazil and living in France.i TADE WANCLIK i am born in France .my father and my mother came from Poland.They were born in the region of Cracovie, under austrian administration. in 1903 and 1904

wanclik says: Name existing in various countries bohemia.germany.poland originally.the form wenzelik means descendent of the dynasty of the przemyslides-piast

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