Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Vilhjalmsdottir

We have no records about Vilhjalmsdottir being used as firstname.
De achternaam Vilhjalmsdottir wordt minstens 19 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.

      Surname Vilhjalmsdottir
Gegeven namen
Vera Vilhjalmsdottir (2)
Maria Vilhjalmsdottir (2)
Sigridur Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Sara Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Halldora Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Ingibjorg Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Bjorg Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Margret Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Kolbrun Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Lena Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Inga Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Pala Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Gudbjorg Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Helga Vilhjalmsdottir (1)
Hildur Vilhjalmsdottir (1)


Vilhjalmsdottir reversed is Rittodsmlajhliv
Name contains 15 letters - 26.67% vowels and 73.33% consonants.

Misspells: Vilhjolmsdottir Vilhjalmsdottil Vilhjalmsdottirr Vilhjalmssdottir Vylhjalmsdottir Bilhjalmsdottir Vjlhjalmsdottir Vilhialmsdottir Velhjalmsdottir Vilhjalmsdottira Vlihjalmsdottir Vilhjalmsdottri Vilhjalmsdotitr

Rijmen: Finnbogadottir astir bestir stir transfer inter litterateur

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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