Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Velculescu

We have no records about Velculescu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Velculescu wordt minstens 20 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Bulgarian.
Chinese: 韦尔库列斯库 (pinyin: wéi ěr kù liè sī kù)

      Surname Velculescu
Gegeven namen
Nicolae Velculescu (3)
Catalina Velculescu (2)
Ion Velculescu (1)
Aurel Velculescu (1)
Ileana Velculescu (1)
Florentina Velculescu (1)
Ana Velculescu (1)


Velculescu reversed is Ucseluclev
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Cuevelcusl
Misspells: Velculesscu Belculescu Velculescua Vleculescu Velculesuc Velculecsu

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Betekenis van de naam van Velculescu is: from the Bulgarian name [Velko] plus the suffix '-escu'
Bogdan says: The information is quite poor. In fact the name has thracian roots, in thracian leanguage "wolf" was called "valc". Latter on,in the 19th century the sufix "-escu" was added.

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Old Wiki
Name: Velculescu
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning: from the Bulgarian name Velko plus the suffix -escu

schrijvers: Delia M. Velculescu

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