Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Tripolski

We have no records about Tripolski being used as firstname.
De achternaam Tripolski wordt minstens 38 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.

      Surname Tripolski
Gegeven namen
Jozef Tripolski (3)
Zuzana Tripolski (2)
Gabor Tripolski (2)
Laslo Tripolski (2)
Sandor Tripolski (1)
Mihalj Tripolski (1)
Marija Tripolski (1)
Terezija Tripolski (1)
Timea Tripolski (1)
Marta Tripolski (1)
Aniko Tripolski (1)
Deze Tripolski (1)
Maria Tripolski (1)
Macas Tripolski (1)
Janos Tripolski (1)
Istvan Tripolski (1)
Geza Tripolski (1)
Jene Tripolski (1)
Etelka Tripolski (1)
Ljubinka Tripolski (1)
Bela Tripolski (1)
Ferenc Tripolski (1)


Tripolski reversed is Ikslopirt
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Slikiptor Optikrils
Misspells: Tlipolski Trripolski Tripolsski Trypolski Trjpolski Trepolski Tripolskia Tirpolski Tripolsik Tripolksi

Rijmen: Brzezinski Korzybski Malinowski Paderewski Polanski Pulaski Sierpinski piroshki synodi imbongi

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Marissa says: The surname Tripolski refers to the so-called "toponymic" surnames, that is, to surnames formed from the name of the city or town in which the first carriers of this surname lived. Moreover, most often the surname was assigned to a person not when he lived in this place, but when he moved to a new place of residence. The surname Tripolski comes from the name of the town of Tripolye in the Kiev province. According to the 1897 census, over a quarter of the population of this town were Jews. The surname Tripolski in pre-revolutionary Russia met in cities such as Uman, Kiev, Skvira, Kanev. The Tripolski family, who lived in the Tarashcha region, belonged to the merchant class. From the trade reference book "All Russia" for 1895, you can find out that members of this family were engaged in the sale of fish. In 1906, many representatives of the Tripolski family were electors to the State Duma.

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