Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Trevisonno

We have no records about Trevisonno being used as firstname.
De achternaam Trevisonno wordt minstens 30 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.
Chinese: 特雷维松诺 (pinyin: té léi wéi sōng nuò)

      Surname Trevisonno
Gegeven namen
Giovanni Trevisonno (2)
Claudio Trevisonno (2)
Mario Trevisonno (2)
Gennaro Trevisonno (1)
Giuseppina Trevisonno (1)
Teresa Trevisonno (1)
Dominique Trevisonno (1)
Pascal Trevisonno (1)
Ugo Trevisonno (1)
Vincenzo Trevisonno (1)
Michel Trevisonno (1)
Gaetan Trevisonno (1)


Trevisonno reversed is Onnosivert
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rnitveosno Virtosnone Vrotesinon Noitvernos
Misspells: Tlevisonno Trrevisonno Trevissonno Trevysonno Trebisonno Trevjsonno Trevesonno Trevisonnoa Tervisonno Trevisonon

Rijmen: dunno sono stucco hullo cerebro mundo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Vince says: The origin is from migrant workers from Treviso who migrated to souther Italy in the 17th century

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