Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Thorncroft

We have no records about Thorncroft being used as firstname.
De achternaam Thorncroft wordt minstens 96 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.

      Surname Thorncroft
Gegeven namen
John Thorncroft (6)
Katie Thorncroft (5)
Christopher Thorncroft (4)
Lisa Thorncroft (4)
Anthony Thorncroft (4)
David Thorncroft (4)
Andrew Thorncroft (3)
Anna Thorncroft (3)
Antony Thorncroft (3)
Abigail Thorncroft (3)
Emma Thorncroft (3)
Gaynor Thorncroft (2)
George Thorncroft (2)
Jane Thorncroft (2)
Brian Thorncroft (2)
Katy Thorncroft (2)
Sally Thorncroft (2)
Joanna Thorncroft (2)
Jennifer Thorncroft (2)
Liam Thorncroft (1)
Laura Thorncroft (1)
Lilian Thorncroft (1)
Roy Thorncroft (1)
Sheila Thorncroft (1)
Susan Thorncroft (1)
Rosemary Thorncroft (1)
Valerie Thorncroft (1)
Mary Thorncroft (1)
Gordon Thorncroft (1)
Calum Thorncroft (1)
Charlotte Thorncroft (1)
Betty Thorncroft (1)
Ann Thorncroft (1)
Annette Thorncroft (1)
Daniel Thorncroft (1)
Dennis Thorncroft (1)
Jacqueline Thorncroft (1)
Joyce Thorncroft (1)
Hilary Thorncroft (1)
Eileen Thorncroft (1)
Doreen Thorncroft (1)
Kate Thorncroft (1)


Thorncroft reversed is Tforcnroht
Name contains 10 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Misspells: Tholncroft Thorrncroft Thorncrofta Tohrncroft Thorncrotf Thorncrfot

Rijmen: Ashcroft Bancroft Microsoft forethought onslaught

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States United Kingdom Australia South Africa Europe


schrijvers: Antony Thorncroft, Michael Thorncroft

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