Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Swanbury

We have no records about Swanbury being used as firstname.
De achternaam Swanbury wordt minstens 20 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (UK,Australia)

Gegeven namen
Philip Swanbury (2)
Ann Swanbury (2)
Stephen Swanbury (2)
Freda Swanbury (2)
Tom Swanbury (1)
Paul Swanbury (1)
Jonathan Swanbury (1)
David Swanbury (1)
James Swanbury (1)
John Swanbury (1)
Karen Swanbury (1)

Swanbury reversed is Yrubnaws
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Nsawybru Ranubwys Wynruabs Ybwarsun
Misspells: Swonbury Swanbuly Swanburry Sswanbury Swanburi Svvanbury Swanburya Sawnbury Swanbuyr Swanbruy

Rijmen: Glastonbury Bloomsbury Bradbury Canterbury Doonesbury Pillsbury barberry contrary

Meaning of this name is unknown.
David Swanbury says: The name Swanbury originates as an English version of Svanberg since our ancestor emigrated to England in 1800 - one Benjamin Svanberg and he changed his name to Swanbury which means the same thing in English. He was born in Carlshamn on the 2 October 1778. All the UK Swanbury's are either descendents of this Benjamin or females married to descendents and few Swanburys exist in the UK. Currently there are two basic families of Swanbury in the UK with their children's children. and one lady who married a Swanbury now desceased. Several Swanburys emigrated to Australia in the past and there are many more there but again they are descendents of Benjamin Swanbury/Svanberg.

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