Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Sture
Gebruik: 85% als voornaam, 15% als achternaam.
De voornaam Sture werd 2895 keer gevonden in 15 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Sture wordt minstens 479 keer gebruikt in ten minste 15 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Swedish.
Het geslacht van de voornaam Sture is 0% vrouwelijk en 100% mannelijk.
Chinese: 斯图雷 (pinyin: sī tú léi)
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Anne Sture (6) David Sture (6) Glenn Sture (4) Eileen Sture (4) Helen Sture (4) Asbjorn Sture (4) Jan Sture (4) Hannah Sture (4) Dagny Sture (4) Oyvind Sture (4) Svein Sture (4) Bjorn Sture (3) Alan Sture (3) Ilona Sture (3) Iveta Sture (3) Eirik Sture (3) Birgitte Sture (3) Olav Sture (3) Bernard Sture (3) Kjell Sture (3) Trond Sture (3) Ove Sture (3) Ann Sture (3) Jarle Sture (2) Kari Sture (2) Odd Sture (2) Tore Sture (2) Dzintra Sture (2) Anita Sture (2) Ashild Sture (2) Reidun Sture (2) Cecilie Sture (2) Solfrid Sture (2) Elisabeth Sture (2) Inara Sture (2) Stefan Sture (2) Sissel Sture (2) Vija Sture (2) Victoria Sture (2) Audun Sture (2) Janne Sture (2) Ingvald Sture (2) Hjordis Sture (2) Friis Sture (2) John Sture (2) Monica Sture (2) Lisbeth Sture (2) Benjamin Sture (2) Helga Sture (2) Lestander Sture (2) Irma Sture (2) Roald Sture (2) Karen Sture (2) Torgeir Sture (2) Reidar Sture (2) Thorner Sture (2) Orjan Sture (2) Ragnar Sture (2) Rita Sture (2) Laima Sture (2) Jacob Sture (2) Gunta Sture (2) James Sture (2) Martha Sture (2) Harry Sture (2) Caroline Sture (2) Brenda Sture (2) Mark Sture (2) Dana Sture (2) Andrew Sture (2) Avril Sture (2) Heidi Sture (2) Alise Sture (2) Martin Sture (2) Mona Sture (2) Nils Sture (2) Eineborn Sture (1) Silvija Sture (1) Peteris Sture (1) Andreas Sture (1) Evita Sture (1) Inita Sture (1) Dzidra Sture (1) Eugenia Sture (1) Zinaida Sture (1) Andersson Sture (1) Zenta Sture (1) Olita Sture (1) Benita Sture (1) Lindehell Sture (1) Margarita Sture (1) Jonna Sture (1) Johansson Sture (1) Palma Sture (1) Ieva Sture (1) Ingman Sture (1) Jesper Sture (1) Haraldsson Sture (1) Gerd Sture (1) Sven Sture (1) Alina Sture (1) Terje Sture (1) Thea Sture (1) Ina Sture (1) Svetlana Sture (1) Solveig Sture (1) Aleksandra Sture (1) Solvi Sture (1) Tatjana Sture (1) Andis Sture (1) Ivars Sture (1) Ellen Sture (1) Lilija Sture (1) Rosenqvist Sture (1) Lars Sture (1) Anny Sture (1) Willy Sture (1) Tor Sture (1) Vegard Sture (1) Vigdis Sture (1) Brit Sture (1) Steiner Sture (1) Egons Sture (1) Velga Sture (1) Mirdza Sture (1) Velta Sture (1) Brigita Sture (1) Tamara Sture (1) Llona Sture (1) Natalija Sture (1) Lucija Sture (1) Vilma Sture (1) Juris Sture (1) Sigrid Sture (1) Biruta Sture (1) Agrita Sture (1) Zigrida Sture (1) Indra Sture (1) Gaida Sture (1) Ausma Sture (1) Gunars Sture (1) Liga Sture (1) Gita Sture (1) Ira Sture (1) Astra Sture (1) Inese Sture (1) Dace Sture (1) Vineta Sture (1) Aivars Sture (1) Daiga Sture (1) Aija Sture (1) Vilhelm Sture (1) Sture Sture (1) Adamants Sture (1) Thurfjell Sture (1) Tidemand Sture (1) Egils Sture (1) Lauris Sture (1) Valija Sture (1) Jevgenija Sture (1) Mairis Sture (1) Herta Sture (1) Marija Sture (1) Uldis Sture (1) Imants Sture (1) Janis Sture (1) Valdis Sture (1) Ilga Sture (1) Lorita Sture (1) Jorunn Sture (1) Sten Sture (1) Solrun Sture (1) Therese Sture (1) Anders Sture (1) Jaybelline Sture (1) Pal Sture (1) Oistein Sture (1) Joacim Sture (1) Ingvild Sture (1) Joran Sture (1) Line Sture (1) Lise Sture (1) Joakim Sture (1) Jonas Sture (1) Ellinor Sture (1) Anna Sture (1) Marte Sture (1) Stal Sture (1) Eirin Sture (1) Stein Sture (1) Isak Sture (1) Paul Sture (1) Knut Sture (1) Per Sture (1) Balder Sture (1) Vebjorn Sture (1) Cato Sture (1) Larsen Sture (1) Cilla Sture (1) Celia Sture (1) |
![]() | Familienamen Sture Andersson (63) Sture Johansson (58) Sture Karlsson (45) Sture Nilsson (45) Sture Larsson (31) Sture Svensson (26) Sture Olsson (26) Sture Jonsson (24) Sture Eriksson (22) Sture Persson (17) Sture Gustafsson (15) Sture Pettersson (15) Sture Jansson (11) Sture Karlsen (10) Sture Lundgren (9) Sture Hansen (9) Sture Dahl (8) Sture Berglund (7) Sture Lindberg (7) Sture Olsen (6) Sture Nilsen (6) Sture Larsen (6) Sture Hansson (6) Sture Andreasson (6) Sture Lindgren (6) Sture Lundquist (6) Sture Berg (5) Sture Axelsson (5) Sture Ronnqvist (5) Sture Johnsen (5) Sture Magnusson (5) Sture Holmgren (5) Sture Gustavsson (5) Sture Isaksson (5) Sture Lindqvist (5) Sture Liden (4) Sture Nordin (4) Sture Tornquist (4) Sture Thorsson (4) Sture Engberg (4) Sture Ahlberg (4) Sture Davidsson (4) Sture Sandberg (4) Sture Pettersen (4) Sture Carlsson (4) Sture Sjoberg (4) Sture Bil (4) Sture Gunnarsson (4) Sture Hermansson (4) Sture Backstrom (4) Sture Marklund (4) Sture Backlund (4) Sture Lundin (4) Sture Lundblad (4) Sture Lindbom (4) Sture Petersson (4) Sture Lind (4) Sture Modig (4) Sture Lindblom (4) Sture Mattsson (4) Sture Ostman (4) Sture Haglund (4) Sture Haraldsson (4) Sture Jacobsson (4) Sture Pedersen (4) Sture Bengtsson (4) Sture Bergstrom (4) Sture Soderman (4) Sture Nordmark (4) Sture Andersen (4) Sture Johansen (4) Sture Smedberg (4) Sture Bjork (3) Sture Abelsson (3) Sture Engstrom (3) Sture Sundell (3) Sture Ovesen (3) Sture Lido (3) Sture Eng (3) Sture Fransson (3) Sture Hedlund (3) Sture Blom (3) Sture Holmberg (3) Sture Engqvist (3) Sture Gundersen (3) Sture Jacobsen (3) Sture Sunden (3) Sture Abrahamsson (3) Sture Hokerud (3) Sture Hallstrom (3) Sture Martensson (3) Sture Lund (3) Sture Jensen (3) Sture Wahl (3) Sture Lofqvist (3) Sture Helgesson (3) Sture Lantz (3) Sture Langstrom (3) Sture Forsberg (3) Sture Lundberg (3) Sture Lindmark (3) Sture Rasmussen (3) Sture Carlson (3) Sture Martinsson (3) Sture Emanuelsson (3) Sture Sandstrom (3) Sture Frank (3) Sture Nyberg (3) Sture Lyden (3) Sture Angermark (3) Sture Kvist (3) Sture Augustsson (3) Sture Norlin (3) Sture Wallin (3) Sture Hagborg (3) Sture Brodin (3) Sture Wikman (3) Sture Ring (3) Sture Sten (3) Sture Skoog (3) Sture Kraft (3) Sture Westman (3) Sture Claesson (3) Sture Rylander (3) Sture Sundkvist (3) Sture Brannstrom (3) Sture Sandqvist (3) Sture Brannmark (3) Sture Sehlstedt (3) Sture Bergmark (3) Sture Henriksson (3) Sture Nasstrom (3) Sture Sjoblom (3) Sture Vedin (3) Sture Bondesson (3) Sture Ellingsen (3) Sture Risberg (3) Sture Zetterberg (3) Sture Eklund (3) Sture Ohrbom (3) Sture Kallin (3) Sture Moe (3) Sture Strom (3) Sture Elofsson (3) Sture Simonsson (3) Sture Lindstrom (3) Sture Lundback (3) Sture Hannu (3) Sture Danielsson (3) Sture Norberg (3) Sture Wigart (3) Sture Hanssen (3) Sture Sodergren (3) Sture Jakobsson (3) Sture Edlund (3) Sture Kero (3) Sture Sedstrom (3) Sture Nygard (3) Sture Lundmark (2) Sture Gustafson (2) Sture Hagglund (2) Sture Qvist (2) Sture Nordstrom (2) Sture Halldin (2) Sture Hall (2) Sture Hanson (2) Sture Halvarsson (2) Sture Walqvist (2) Sture Simonson (2) Sture Gobel (2) Sture Gissberg (2) Sture Frylen (2) Sture Granat (2) Sture Gren (2) Sture Redin (2) Sture Grundberg (2) Sture Froidh (2) Sture Enberg (2) Sture Bodin (2) Sture Borglund (2) Sture Blomkvist (2) Sture Blixt (2) Sture Bjornsson (2) Sture Borjesson (2) Sture Briseholm (2) Sture Dahlen (2) Sture Dahlgren (2) Sture Collin (2) Sture Cedergren (2) Sture Brolin (2) Sture Bjornfot (2) Sture Rydstrom (2) Sture Axner (2) Sture Norrby (2) Sture Asberg (2) Sture Arvidsson (2) Sture Aronsson (2) Sture Beckman (2) Sture Benjaminsson (2) Sture Berntsson (2) |

Sture reversed is Eruts
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Stuer Reuts Eturs Utres Suter
Misspells: Stule Sturre Ssture Sturea Sutre Stuer Strue
Rijmen: Bonaventure LOuverture Scripture acupuncture admixture adventure agriculture stir spur str spewer per
Betekenis van de naam van Sture is: Impudent, self-willed, to be contrary
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