Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Stoilescu

We have no records about Stoilescu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Stoilescu wordt minstens 33 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Canada,Romania)
Chinese: 斯托伊列斯库 (pinyin: sī tuō yī liè sī kù)

Gegeven namen
Lucia Stoilescu (2)
Dorian Stoilescu (2)
Mandica Stoilescu (2)
Vasile Stoilescu (2)
Voica Stoilescu (2)
Georgeta Stoilescu (2)
Gheorghe Stoilescu (2)
Enache Stoilescu (2)
Constantin Stoilescu (2)
Natalia Stoilescu (1)
Tudor Stoilescu (1)
Angela Stoilescu (1)
Paula Stoilescu (1)
Marinel Stoilescu (1)
Marian Stoilescu (1)
Ion Stoilescu (1)
Dumitru Stoilescu (1)
Florian Stoilescu (1)
Emil Stoilescu (1)

Stoilescu reversed is Ucseliots
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Lutisceos Stiosucel Soulsiect Cluosseit Soetcusli Lisoctues
Misspells: Sstoilescu Stoylescu Stojlescu Stoelescu Stoilescua Sotilescu Stoilesuc Stoilecsu

Rijmen: Ceausescu rescue menu nephew venue parvenu

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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