Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Steppuhn

Gebruik: 0% als voornaam, 100% als achternaam.
De voornaam Steppuhn werd 1 keer gevonden in 1 verschillende landen. (USA)
De achternaam Steppuhn wordt minstens 159 keer gebruikt in ten minste 9 landen.
Chinese: 施特普恩 (pinyin: shī té pǔ ēn)

      Surname Steppuhn
Gegeven namen
Michael Steppuhn (3)
Peter Steppuhn (3)
Werner Steppuhn (3)
Dieter Steppuhn (3)
Josef Steppuhn (3)
Hartmut Steppuhn (2)
Siegfried Steppuhn (2)
Ursula Steppuhn (2)
Walter Steppuhn (2)
Rainer Steppuhn (2)
Irmgard Steppuhn (2)
Manfred Steppuhn (2)
Marianne Steppuhn (2)
Johannes Steppuhn (2)
Cathrin Steppuhn (2)
Wilfried Steppuhn (2)
Georg Steppuhn (2)
Bernhard Steppuhn (2)
Anna Steppuhn (2)
Wolfgang Steppuhn (2)
Manuel Steppuhn (1)
Oleg Steppuhn (1)
Oskar Steppuhn (1)
Petra Steppuhn (1)
Reinhard Steppuhn (1)
Henryk Steppuhn (1)
Justyna Steppuhn (1)
Leon Steppuhn (1)
Norbert Steppuhn (1)
Maria Steppuhn (1)
Marie Steppuhn (1)
Marina Steppuhn (1)
Reinhold Steppuhn (1)
Matthias Steppuhn (1)
Jorg Steppuhn (1)
Gertruda Steppuhn (1)
Ulrich Steppuhn (1)
Tony Steppuhn (1)
Thorsten Steppuhn (1)
Dariusz Steppuhn (1)
Vera Steppuhn (1)
Elisabeth Steppuhn (1)
Andrzej Steppuhn (1)
Tanja Steppuhn (1)
Susanne Steppuhn (1)
Ronny Steppuhn (1)
Willi Steppuhn (1)
Sascha Steppuhn (1)
Sigrid Steppuhn (1)
Leo Steppuhn (1)
Simon Steppuhn (1)
Renate Steppuhn (1)
Karlheinz Steppuhn (1)
Albrecht Steppuhn (1)
Dennis Steppuhn (1)
Christopher Steppuhn (1)
Christian Steppuhn (1)
Edith Steppuhn (1)
Erhard Steppuhn (1)
Erwin Steppuhn (1)
Ernes Steppuhn (1)
Erika Steppuhn (1)
Christa Steppuhn (1)
Charlotte Steppuhn (1)
Anton Steppuhn (1)
Andrea Steppuhn (1)
Alfons Steppuhn (1)
Antoni Steppuhn (1)
Artur Steppuhn (1)
Brigitte Steppuhn (1)
Bettina Steppuhn (1)
Benno Steppuhn (1)
Ewald Steppuhn (1)
Gerald Steppuhn (1)
Johanna Steppuhn (1)
Irene Steppuhn (1)
Ingo Steppuhn (1)
Alfred Steppuhn (1)
Karl Steppuhn (1)
Kurt Steppuhn (1)
Kraftfahrer Steppuhn (1)
Alexander Steppuhn (1)
Inge Steppuhn (1)
Horst Steppuhn (1)
Hans Steppuhn (1)
Gerlinde Steppuhn (1)
Gerhard Steppuhn (1)
Harry Steppuhn (1)
Heike Steppuhn (1)
Hildegard Steppuhn (1)
Helmut Steppuhn (1)
Heinz Steppuhn (1)
Landrat Steppuhn (1)

Steppuhn   Steppuhn   Steppuhn   

Steppuhn reversed is Nhuppets
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Ssteppuhn Steppuhna Setppuhn Steppunh Stepphun

Rijmen: Kuhn spittoon spoon strewn opportune baboon

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Diether Steppuhn says: I was told that the Steppuhns originated in Hungary by the name of Stephan and around the 12th century moved to the Baltic countries where the name changed into different ways of spelling it. Steppuhn is one of the varieties that originated then. The famous Professor Fedor Stepun (1884-1965) learned and taught in Russia's St. Petersburg and consequently lost the second p and the h in the name.

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