Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Skreprud
We have no records about Skreprud being used as firstname.
De achternaam Skreprud wordt minstens 15 keer gebruikt in ten minste 1 landen. (Norway)
Gegeven namen
Nils Skreprud (2) Unni Skreprud (2) Ingeborg Skreprud (2) Tinius Skreprud (1) Vidar Skreprud (1) Wenche Skreprud (1) Kjersti Skreprud (1) Endre Skreprud (1) Gunnar Skreprud (1) Joran Skreprud (1) Dagfrid Skreprud (1) Mona Skreprud (1) |
![Skreprud Skreprud](
Skreprud reversed is Durperks
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.
Misspells: Skleprud Skrreprud Sskreprud Skrepruda Srkeprud Skreprdu Skrepurd
Rijmen: crud blood flood stud mud bud
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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