Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Seccull

We have no records about Seccull being used as firstname.
De achternaam Seccull wordt minstens 63 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.

      Surname Seccull
Gegeven namen
Dorothy Seccull (3)
Deborah Seccull (2)
David Seccull (2)
Mary Seccull (2)
Mark Seccull (2)
John Seccull (2)
Brian Seccull (2)
Andrew Seccull (2)
Una Seccull (1)
Wendy Seccull (1)
Tony Seccull (1)
Kathleen Seccull (1)
Matthew Seccull (1)
Maureen Seccull (1)
Rachel Seccull (1)
Phyllis Seccull (1)
Douglas Seccull (1)
Amy Seccull (1)
Gerry Seccull (1)
Susan Seccull (1)
Cory Seccull (1)
Beryl Seccull (1)
Craig Seccull (1)
Irene Seccull (1)
Edward Seccull (1)
Kim Seccull (1)
Doreen Seccull (1)
Iris Seccull (1)

Seccull reversed is Llucces
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Sseccull Secculla Scecull Secclul

Rijmen: cull scull Hull Trumbull Tull Woodhull bull skull simul colour cl

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Ross Seccull says: We were told it came from the term Sea cull as mining of black coal which at the time was called seacull in Wales.

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: Australia United States United Kingdom Canada Romania


schrijvers: Andrew Seccull

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