Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Schmalfus
We have no records about Schmalfus being used as firstname.
De achternaam Schmalfus wordt minstens 10 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.
Gegeven namen
Franz Schmalfus (1) Karin Schmalfus (1) Peter Schmalfus (1) Jolanta Schmalfus (1) Elisabeth Schmalfus (1) Dieter Schmalfus (1) Bernard Schmalfus (1) Charles Schmalfus (1) Berit Schmalfus (1) Bernadette Schmalfus (1) |
Schmalfus reversed is Suflamhcs
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.
Misspells: Schmolfus Sschmalfus Schmalfusa Shcmalfus Schmalfsu Schmalufs
Rijmen: Dreyfus Rufus snafus malice phallus status palace madness
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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