Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Schellinck

We have no records about Schellinck being used as firstname.
De achternaam Schellinck wordt minstens 60 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.

      Surname Schellinck
Gegeven namen
Tony Schellinck (2)
Heather Schellinck (1)
Heaather Schellinck (1)
Charles Schellinck (1)
Cheryl Schellinck (1)
Ryan Schellinck (1)
Richard Schellinck (1)


Schellinck reversed is Kcnillehcs
Name contains 10 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Misspells: Sschellinck Schellynck Schelljnck Schellenck Schellincka Shcellinck Schellinkc Schellicnk

Rijmen: Maeterlinck Eysenck Franck Planck relic fetich epic acetic ethic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Chantal Schellinck says: this name has two possible meanings. First an old medieval currency : scelling. Second : dutch for the cheapest seat at the opera. So probably the first is the most appropriate.

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Belgium Brazil Canada Thailand Netherlands Poland Romania Slovenia France


Beroemde mensen: Marie Schellinck

schrijvers: Judocus Schellinck, Douglas Anton Schellinck

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