Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Ristici
We have no records about Ristici being used as firstname.
De achternaam Ristici wordt minstens 35 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Moldova,Romania)
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Gegeven namen
Marin Ristici (2) Maria Ristici (2) Moise Ristici (2) Petrica Ristici (2) Valeria Ristici (2) Ion Ristici (2) Ilie Ristici (2) Alexandru Ristici (2) Ana Ristici (1) Constantin Ristici (1) Veronica Ristici (1) Viorel Ristici (1) Victoria Ristici (1) Costica Ristici (1) Maricel Ristici (1) Florin Ristici (1) Florentina Ristici (1) Victor Ristici (1) Elisabeta Ristici (1) Domnica Ristici (1) Emil Ristici (1) |
Ristici reversed is Icitsir
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Rsiitci Tisicir Tiirics Ritsiic Isitcir
Misspells: Listici Rristici Risstici Rystici Rjstici Restici Risticia Rsitici Ristiic Ristcii
Rijmen: Medici umbilici litchi twitchy pity crudity
Betekenis van de naam van Ristici is: from the name [Risti] plus the Slavonic suffix '-ic'
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![United States:4 United States](/img/United-States-flag.png)
![Romania:3 Romania](/img/Romania-flag.png)
![Thailand:1 Thailand](/img/Thailand-flag.png)
![United Kingdom:1 United Kingdom](/img/United-Kingdom-flag.png)
Domeinen - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Ristici Language: Romanian Meaning: from the name Risti plus the Slavonic suffix -ic Comments: |
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