Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Ratulescu

We have no records about Ratulescu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Ratulescu wordt minstens 42 keer gebruikt in ten minste 1 landen. (Romania)

Gegeven namen
Maria Ratulescu (3)
Ioan Ratulescu (3)
Marioara Ratulescu (2)
Mihai Ratulescu (2)
Nicolae Ratulescu (2)
Stefan Ratulescu (2)
Paul Ratulescu (2)
Paraschiva Ratulescu (2)
Grigore Ratulescu (2)
Ion Ratulescu (2)
Elena Ratulescu (2)
Gheorghita Ratulescu (2)
Alexandru Ratulescu (2)
Niculina Ratulescu (1)
Catuta Ratulescu (1)
Petre Ratulescu (1)
Ecaterina Ratulescu (1)
Mihaela Ratulescu (1)
Iosif Ratulescu (1)
Alecu Ratulescu (1)
Gheorghe Ratulescu (1)
Mariean Ratulescu (1)
Eugeniu Ratulescu (1)
Emilia Ratulescu (1)

Ratulescu reversed is Ucselutar
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Rautsucel Rtulsueca Seucturla Steacurlu
Misspells: Rotulescu Latulescu Rratulescu Ratulesscu Ratulescua Rtaulescu Ratulesuc Ratulecsu

Rijmen: Ceausescu rescue parvenu menu venue sensu

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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