Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Rapotan

We have no records about Rapotan being used as firstname.
De achternaam Rapotan wordt minstens 107 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.

      Surname Rapotan
Gegeven namen
Ion Rapotan (7)
Constantin Rapotan (4)
Gheorghe Rapotan (4)
Costica Rapotan (3)
Adrian Rapotan (3)
Maria Rapotan (3)
Vasile Rapotan (3)
Alexandru Rapotan (3)
Iancu Rapotan (2)
Oancea Rapotan (2)
Grigore Rapotan (2)
Ileana Rapotan (2)
Ioan Rapotan (2)
Aneta Rapotan (2)
Isop Rapotan (2)
Ivan Rapotan (2)
Ionel Rapotan (2)
Petru Rapotan (2)
Neculai Rapotan (2)
Aurelia Rapotan (2)
Natalita Rapotan (2)
Despina Rapotan (2)
Teodor Rapotan (2)
Elena Rapotan (2)
Pavel Rapotan (2)
Nicu Rapotan (1)
Nita Rapotan (1)
Niculae Rapotan (1)
Niculina Rapotan (1)
Pauna Rapotan (1)
Viorica Rapotan (1)
Veronel Rapotan (1)
Titi Rapotan (1)
Tatiana Rapotan (1)
Pascu Rapotan (1)
Irina Rapotan (1)
Dan Rapotan (1)
Emilia Rapotan (1)
Cezar Rapotan (1)
Carmen Rapotan (1)
Angelica Rapotan (1)
Aurel Rapotan (1)
Eugenia Rapotan (1)
Georgeta Rapotan (1)
Marinel Rapotan (1)
Mariuca Rapotan (1)
Marian Rapotan (1)
Marcel Rapotan (1)
Ghita Rapotan (1)
Adela Rapotan (1)
Mircea Rapotan (1)

Rapotan reversed is Natopar
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Rpanoat Otpaanr Otarnap Apnoatr Narpoat Naatpor
Misspells: Ropotan Lapotan Rrapotan Rapotana Rpaotan Rapotna Rapoatn

Rijmen: Dakotan Minnesotan Wotan Afghanistan Augustan Baluchistan Bhutan piton mutton exciton

Betekenis van de naam van Rapotan is: from the word 'răpotini' = 'name of a popular day feast'
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Romania Thailand Czech Republic Jordan France Italy Peru

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Old Wiki
Name: Rapotan
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word răpotini = name of a popular day feast

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