Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Postelnicescu

We have no records about Postelnicescu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Postelnicescu wordt minstens 72 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (USA,Romania)
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 波斯泰尔尼切斯库 (pinyin: bō sī tài ěr ní qiē sī kù)

Gegeven namen
Ion Postelnicescu (6)
Marin Postelnicescu (5)
Gheorghe Postelnicescu (4)
Stelian Postelnicescu (4)
Florica Postelnicescu (3)
Paula Postelnicescu (3)
Ecaterina Postelnicescu (3)
Gherghina Postelnicescu (2)
Oprea Postelnicescu (2)
Vasile Postelnicescu (2)
Sultana Postelnicescu (2)
Marius Postelnicescu (2)
Ioan Postelnicescu (2)
Clara Postelnicescu (2)
Constantin Postelnicescu (2)
Dan Postelnicescu (1)
Tudora Postelnicescu (1)
Vali Postelnicescu (1)
Zorinel Postelnicescu (1)
Viorel Postelnicescu (1)
Ana Postelnicescu (1)
Dumitra Postelnicescu (1)
Mircea Postelnicescu (1)
Elisabeta Postelnicescu (1)
Adrian Postelnicescu (1)
Emilian Postelnicescu (1)
Elena Postelnicescu (1)
Marina Postelnicescu (1)
Mihai Postelnicescu (1)
Dumitru Postelnicescu (1)
Marioara Postelnicescu (1)
Gabriel Postelnicescu (1)

Postelnicescu reversed is Ucsecinletsop
Name contains 13 letters - 38.46% vowels and 61.54% consonants.

Anagrams: Cnicputoseles
Misspells: Posstelnicescu Postelnycescu Postelnjcescu Postelnecescu Postelnicescua Psotelnicescu Postelnicesuc Postelnicecsu

Rijmen: Ceausescu rescue parvenu venue ingenue grandnephew

Betekenis van de naam van Postelnicescu is: from the name [Postelnicu] plus the suffix '-escu'
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Romania Germany Thailand Poland Ireland United Kingdom France Spain

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Old Wiki
Name: Postelnicescu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the name Postelnicu plus the suffix -escu

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