Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Poshan

Gebruik: 89% als voornaam, 11% als achternaam.
De voornaam Poshan werd 44 keer gevonden in 6 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Poshan wordt minstens 5 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.

      Surname Poshan

Given name Poshan
Poshan Iranpour (1)

Poshan reversed is Nahsop
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Nohasp Spoahn Psoanh Ospanh
Misspells: Poshon Posshan Poshana Psohan Poshna Posahn

Rijmen: Anshan Tangshan Afghan Astrakhan Behan Callaghan caution cation libation herniation calumniation

Meaning of this name is unknown.
name says: Poshan means dearest person of god

poshan says: Poshan name meaning is "Possitive Energy"

poshan says: poshan means possitive energy

Poshan Name Meaning says: Poshan name meaning is Elegant or Gracefull.the name "posh" is a english word it means elegant .and "an" is the word from hebrew name .it modified from name ann.and it means graceful.the name poshan origin is anglo-hebrew

Poshan Name Meaning Is Elegant says: Poshan name meaning is Elegant And Gracefull.the Poshan name first term "Posh" is a an english word it means Elegant.and the second term "an" is the word from hebrew modified from name Anna( anna,anne,an).and it means graceful.the name Poshan origin is English-Hebrew

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States India Malaysia Anonymous Proxy Nepal Mauritius Canada United Kingdom Iraq Philippines Germany Kenya Trinidad and Tobago Serbia Australia Hong Kong Bangladesh South Africa


Old Wiki
Name: Poshan
Gender: Unknown Gender
Origin: Asia
Language: Unknown Language
Thematic: Mythology
Meaning: Poshan is ancient word which comes from different religion and community. it has a great meaning in it.
Poshan name in islam; mainly in islam and christian religion there were great meaning for this name.. Anciet islam people belive poshan is a name of a angel of god or dear one of the god.

Ancient islamic people think poshan name give strentg for their children by internely and also externelt.. It has a strong power in it..

Poshan name in christianity: christian is a biggest community of the world.. It also give meaning for poshan name.. They think poshan name is power or strength of god.. Who has this name he will protected by the god angel.. Some ancient thinker belive poshan is a name of someone who is with god in the heaven..people reffers this name as a angel..


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