Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Poluszynski
We have no records about Poluszynski being used as firstname.
De achternaam Poluszynski wordt minstens 12 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (USA,Poland)
Gegeven namen
Ryszard Poluszynski (1) Waclaw Poluszynski (1) Kazimierz Poluszynski (1) Stanislaw Poluszynski (1) Roman Poluszynski (1) Czeslaw Poluszynski (1) Antoni Poluszynski (1) Bartosz Poluszynski (1) Boleslaw Poluszynski (1) Tomasz Poluszynski (1) |
![Poluszynski Poluszynski](
Poluszynski reversed is Iksnyzsulop
Name contains 11 letters - 36.36% vowels and 63.64% consonants.
Anagrams: Piksyuznosl Unkyliszops
Misspells: Polusszynski Poluszynsky Poluszinski Poluszynskj Poluszynske Poluszynskia Plouszynski Poluszynsik Poluszynksi
Rijmen: Brzezinski Polanski Sierpinski Korzybski Malinowski Paderewski princely propinquity crushingly dashingly sixty
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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![United States:6 United States](/img/United-States-flag.png)
![United Kingdom:6 United Kingdom](/img/United-Kingdom-flag.png)
![Poland:6 Poland](/img/Poland-flag.png)
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