Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Piskoric

We have no records about Piskoric being used as firstname.
De achternaam Piskoric wordt minstens 39 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.

      Surname Piskoric
Gegeven namen
Zeljko Piskoric (5)
Mijo Piskoric (2)
Sasa Piskoric (1)
Silvija Piskoric (1)
Petar Piskoric (1)
Mladen Piskoric (1)
Miroslav Piskoric (1)
Sinisa Piskoric (1)
Nevenka Piskoric (1)
Stevo Piskoric (1)
Zlatko Piskoric (1)
Zvonka Piskoric (1)
Zdenka Piskoric (1)
Vlado Piskoric (1)
Vinko Piskoric (1)
Visnja Piskoric (1)
Mirko Piskoric (1)
Marinka Piskoric (1)
Dragica Piskoric (1)
Dragutin Piskoric (1)
Damir Piskoric (1)
Andrea Piskoric (1)
Ancica Piskoric (1)
Andela Piskoric (1)
Drazen Piskoric (1)
Ela Piskoric (1)
Ivica Piskoric (1)
Marijana Piskoric (1)
Ivanka Piskoric (1)
Franjo Piskoric (1)
Frane Piskoric (1)
Ivan Piskoric (1)


Piskoric reversed is Ciroksip
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Ickirsop
Misspells: Piskolic Piskorric Pisskoric Pyskoric Pjskoric Peskoric Piskorica Psikoric Piskorci Piskoirc

Rijmen: Doric Theodoric caloric euphoric historic meteoric phosphoric pyloric allegoric prehistoric

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Croatia Serbia


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