Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Pioara
We have no records about Pioara being used as firstname.
De achternaam Pioara wordt minstens 90 keer gebruikt in ten minste 1 landen. (Romania)
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 皮瓦拉 (pinyin: pí wǎ lā)
Gegeven namen
Gheorghe Pioara (8) Ionel Pioara (7) Ioana Pioara (5) Alexandru Pioara (4) Aurel Pioara (3) Oprea Pioara (3) Valeria Pioara (2) Grigore Pioara (2) Adrian Pioara (2) Alexe Pioara (2) Negoita Pioara (2) Stefan Pioara (2) Florica Pioara (2) Ion Pioara (2) Vasilica Pioara (2) Costache Pioara (2) Cornel Pioara (2) Zoica Pioara (2) Dorin Pioara (2) Costica Pioara (2) Felicia Pioara (2) Dumitru Pioara (2) Virgil Pioara (2) Petrica Pioara (1) Victoria Pioara (1) Puica Pioara (1) Rodica Pioara (1) Tanase Pioara (1) Stela Pioara (1) Alecsandru Pioara (1) Georgeta Pioara (1) Florentina Pioara (1) Elena Pioara (1) Aneta Pioara (1) Ileana Pioara (1) Lica Pioara (1) Marin Pioara (1) Marian Pioara (1) Maria Pioara (1) Marioara Pioara (1) |
Pioara reversed is Araoip
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.
Anagrams: Paoria Opiraa Iopaar Poiraa Raapoi Iopraa
Misspells: Pioora Pioala Pioarra Pyoara Pjoara Peoara Pioaraa Poiara Pioaar Pioraa
Rijmen: Adhara Angara Ankara Asmara Aymara Barbara Bukhara tiara corolla drama plaza pajama
Betekenis van de naam van Pioara is: the same as [Pioaru]; Pioară
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Domeinen - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Pioara Language: Romanian Meaning: the same as Pioaru Comments: Pioară |
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