Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Nistor

Gebruik: 16% als voornaam, 84% als achternaam.
De voornaam Nistor werd 1469 keer gevonden in 18 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Nistor wordt minstens 7242 keer gebruikt in ten minste 32 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 尼斯托尔 (pinyin: ní sī tuō ěr)

      Surname Nistor
Gegeven namen
Gheorghe Nistor (288)
Ioan Nistor (284)
Maria Nistor (256)
Vasile Nistor (255)
Ion Nistor (217)
Constantin Nistor (194)
Elena Nistor (163)
Dumitru Nistor (132)
Nicolae Nistor (122)
Mihai Nistor (93)
Alexandru Nistor (68)
Aurel Nistor (66)
Stefan Nistor (64)
Ana Nistor (62)
Petru Nistor (57)
Viorel Nistor (54)
Adrian Nistor (52)
Mariana Nistor (47)
Ilie Nistor (44)
Ionel Nistor (44)
Mircea Nistor (43)
Viorica Nistor (42)
Marian Nistor (39)
Mihail Nistor (38)
Neculai Nistor (36)
Emil Nistor (35)
Ioana Nistor (35)
Marin Nistor (34)
Victor Nistor (30)
Florin Nistor (29)
Traian Nistor (28)
Petre Nistor (28)
Marioara Nistor (28)
Iosif Nistor (27)
Eugen Nistor (27)
Rodica Nistor (26)
Daniela Nistor (25)
Eugenia Nistor (25)
Daniel Nistor (24)
Valeriu Nistor (23)
Georgeta Nistor (23)
Gabriela Nistor (23)
Cristina Nistor (22)
Costica Nistor (22)
Cornelia Nistor (21)
Tatiana Nistor (21)
Andrei Nistor (21)
Silvia Nistor (21)
Liviu Nistor (20)
Marius Nistor (19)
Mihaela Nistor (19)
Tudor Nistor (18)
Grigore Nistor (18)
Cornel Nistor (18)
Ileana Nistor (18)
Doina Nistor (18)
Valentin Nistor (17)
Virgil Nistor (17)
Victoria Nistor (17)
Vladimir Nistor (17)
Sorin Nistor (16)
Aurelia Nistor (16)
Cristian Nistor (16)
Costel Nistor (16)
Teodor Nistor (16)
Dorin Nistor (15)
Liliana Nistor (15)
Vasilica Nistor (15)
Dorel Nistor (15)
Dan Nistor (15)
Floarea Nistor (15)
Laurentiu Nistor (15)
Dorina Nistor (15)
Lucian Nistor (14)
Iulian Nistor (14)
Octavian Nistor (14)
Valentina Nistor (14)
Ecaterina Nistor (14)
Lidia Nistor (14)
Florea Nistor (13)
Angela Nistor (13)
Gavril Nistor (13)
Gabriel Nistor (13)
Iuliana Nistor (13)
Irina Nistor (12)
Niculae Nistor (12)
Florian Nistor (12)
Claudia Nistor (12)
Aurica Nistor (12)
Anica Nistor (12)
Paul Nistor (12)
Elisabeta Nistor (12)
Olga Nistor (12)
Ciprian Nistor (12)
Augustin Nistor (11)
Bogdan Nistor (11)
George Nistor (11)
Florica Nistor (11)
Stelian Nistor (11)
Paraschiva Nistor (11)
Marcel Nistor (11)
Lucia Nistor (11)
Virginia Nistor (11)
Veronica Nistor (11)
Alexandra Nistor (11)
Ovidiu Nistor (11)
Violeta Nistor (10)
Corneliu Nistor (10)
Gherghina Nistor (10)
Nelu Nistor (10)
Emilia Nistor (10)
Dumitra Nistor (10)
Danut Nistor (10)
Lenuta Nistor (10)
Niculina Nistor (10)
Pavel Nistor (10)
Galina Nistor (9)
Toader Nistor (9)
Valeria Nistor (9)
Costache Nistor (9)
Adriana Nistor (9)
Luminita Nistor (9)
Anton Nistor (9)
Sergiu Nistor (9)
Adela Nistor (9)
Petrica Nistor (9)
Nina Nistor (9)
Sandu Nistor (9)
Lazar Nistor (8)
Marilena Nistor (8)
Teodora Nistor (8)
Olimpia Nistor (8)
Robert Nistor (8)
Simion Nistor (8)
Aurelian Nistor (8)
Aurora Nistor (8)
Lucretia Nistor (8)
Gheorghita Nistor (8)
Cristinel Nistor (8)
Sofia Nistor (8)
Silviu Nistor (8)
Eleonora Nistor (8)
Floare Nistor (7)
Constanta Nistor (7)
Toma Nistor (7)
Ionica Nistor (7)
Alexandrina Nistor (7)
Corina Nistor (7)
Margareta Nistor (7)
Nicoleta Nistor (7)
Spiridon Nistor (7)
Iulia Nistor (7)
Stela Nistor (7)
Steliana Nistor (7)
Radu Nistor (7)
Mihalache Nistor (6)
Anca Nistor (6)
Mioara Nistor (6)
Romulus Nistor (6)
Sofica Nistor (6)
Tamara Nistor (6)
Nistor Nistor (6)
Florentina Nistor (6)
Carmen Nistor (6)
Sanda Nistor (6)
Gheorghi Nistor (6)
Mirela Nistor (6)
Eva Nistor (6)
Teofil Nistor (6)
Calin Nistor (6)
Rozalia Nistor (6)
Domnica Nistor (6)
Maricica Nistor (6)
Camelia Nistor (6)
Evghenia Nistor (5)
Letitia Nistor (5)
Marina Nistor (5)
Igor Nistor (5)
Anisoara Nistor (5)
Gavrila Nistor (5)
Catalin Nistor (5)
Larisa Nistor (5)
Dinu Nistor (5)
Nutu Nistor (5)
Tanase Nistor (5)
Nicusor Nistor (5)
Tudorache Nistor (5)
Emanoil Nistor (5)
Iurie Nistor (5)
Nicolai Nistor (5)
Sabin Nistor (5)
Marinela Nistor (5)
Zina Nistor (5)
Ionut Nistor (5)
Iordache Nistor (5)
Stefana Nistor (5)
Titus Nistor (5)
Fiodor Nistor (5)
Iorgu Nistor (5)
Mihaita Nistor (5)

Given name Nistor
Nistor Andrei (10)
Nistor Avram (10)
Nistor Cristea (10)
Nistor Ivan (10)
Nistor Dragomir (9)
Nistor Man (8)
Nistor Gaitan (8)
Nistor Radu (7)
Nistor Munteanu (7)
Nistor Popa (7)
Nistor Anghel (6)
Nistor Lupu (6)
Nistor Florea (6)
Nistor Stolojescu (6)
Nistor Rusu (6)
Nistor Pop (6)
Nistor Ene (6)
Nistor Filip (6)
Nistor Enache (6)
Nistor Ion (6)
Nistor Muntean (6)
Nistor Juravle (6)
Nistor Craciun (6)
Nistor Nistor (6)
Nistor Barbu (5)
Nistor Mihai (5)
Nistor Voiculescu (5)
Nistor Dobre (5)
Nistor Iordache (5)
Nistor Dinu (5)
Nistor Negrean (5)
Nistor Mocanu (5)
Nistor Constantin (5)
Nistor Lazar (5)
Nistor Moisa (4)
Nistor Gogoncea (4)
Nistor Hogas (4)
Nistor Lungu (4)
Nistor Purdel (4)
Nistor Ursaciuc (4)
Nistor Moldovan (4)
Nistor Trip (4)
Nistor Zainea (4)
Nistor Gramada (4)
Nistor Neagu (4)
Nistor Bucur (4)
Nistor Iuhas (4)
Nistor Cojocaru (4)
Nistor Negoiescu (4)
Nistor Cheta (4)
Nistor Costache (4)
Nistor Balan (4)
Nistor Bezea (4)
Nistor Duval (4)
Nistor Dragos (3)
Nistor Morariu (3)
Nistor Tomsa (3)
Nistor Santa (3)
Nistor Coman (3)
Nistor Botog (3)
Nistor Balaita (3)
Nistor Bulai (3)
Nistor Zaharia (3)
Nistor Radulescu (3)
Nistor Bogdan (3)
Nistor Galan (3)
Nistor Mateiciuc (3)
Nistor Cuciula (3)
Nistor Suru (3)
Nistor Carp (3)
Nistor Sinea (3)
Nistor Ardelean (3)
Nistor Blaga (3)
Nistor Comarniceanu (3)
Nistor Iancu (3)
Nistor Sandro (3)
Nistor Domilescu (3)
Nistor Stancu (3)
Nistor Chifan (3)
Nistor Mot (3)
Nistor Brinzei (3)
Nistor Cernescu (3)
Nistor Diaconescu (3)
Nistor Bratu (3)
Nistor Nicolae (3)
Nistor Toma (3)
Nistor Boiciuc (3)
Nistor Tanase (3)
Nistor Serban (3)
Nistor Chiriac (3)
Nistor Gal (3)
Nistor Nicula (3)
Nistor Ravnic (3)
Nistor Ieremie (3)
Nistor Dejan (3)
Nistor Rad (3)
Nistor Marginean (3)
Nistor Cretu (3)
Nistor Brailescu (3)
Nistor Bente (3)
Nistor Ioan (3)
Nistor Onica (3)
Nistor Cirlan (3)
Nistor Grozavu (2)
Nistor David (2)
Nistor Bratosin (2)
Nistor Cioara (2)
Nistor Andreiesi (2)
Nistor Suceava (2)
Nistor Ciuca (2)
Nistor Rosu (2)
Nistor Tuicu (2)
Nistor Potincu (2)
Nistor Rusti (2)
Nistor Poleac (2)
Nistor Divricean (2)
Nistor Dragan (2)
Nistor Gheorghe (2)
Nistor Ioncica (2)
Nistor Carjan (2)
Nistor Mitea (2)
Nistor Mogosanu (2)
Nistor Mircea (2)
Nistor Cioroi (2)
Nistor Alexe (2)
Nistor Buruiana (2)
Nistor Crintea (2)
Nistor Enachi (2)
Nistor Manole (2)
Nistor Boscu (2)
Nistor Predoiu (2)
Nistor Dudas (2)
Nistor Bostan (2)
Nistor Ailenei (2)
Nistor Stanculea (2)
Nistor Dumitrache (2)
Nistor Tiron (2)
Nistor Petrule (2)
Nistor Gorciu (2)
Nistor Hamza (2)
Nistor Mecineanu (2)
Nistor Mateiu (2)
Nistor Paraschiv (2)
Nistor Iftimie (2)
Nistor Frumusanu (2)
Nistor Hasmasan (2)
Nistor Draghie (2)
Nistor Putinica (2)
Nistor Tihohod (2)
Nistor Topala (2)
Nistor Moldoveanu (2)
Nistor Preda (2)
Nistor Musatoiu (2)
Nistor Maita (2)
Nistor Duta (2)
Nistor Jiganie (2)
Nistor Muntul (2)
Nistor Ciuta (2)
Nistor Bungheteanu (2)
Nistor Negrea (2)
Nistor Ciocotoiu (2)
Nistor Solcan (2)
Nistor Badila (2)
Nistor Miut (2)
Nistor Torcatoru (2)
Nistor Rosca (2)
Nistor Macarie (2)
Nistor Pescaru (2)
Nistor Manailescu (2)
Nistor Talpes (2)
Nistor Chis (2)
Nistor Badescu (2)
Nistor Ivanovici (2)
Nistor Bijan (2)
Nistor Marandici (2)
Nistor Rasvan (2)
Nistor Chirila (2)
Nistor Fara (2)
Nistor Mihailo (2)
Nistor Pistrila (2)
Nistor Wawrig (2)
Nistor Isfanut (2)
Nistor Pintilie (2)
Nistor Vlaicu (2)
Nistor Draghicescu (2)
Nistor Nicola (2)
Nistor Hrelescu (2)
Nistor Toba (2)
Nistor Martalogu (2)
Nistor Trifan (2)
Nistor Costea (2)
Nistor Buburuzan (2)
Nistor Dumitras (2)
Nistor Raiescu (2)
Nistor Nisioiu (2)
Nistor Hrab (2)
Nistor Dominte (2)
Nistor Bouariu (2)
Nistor Lucan (2)
Nistor Ratu (2)

Nistor   Nistor   Nistor   Nistor   Nistor   
Nistor   Nistor   Nistor   

Nistor reversed is Rotsin
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Ritosn Sniotr Nsiort Isnort
Misspells: Nistol Nistorr Nisstor Nystor Njstor Nestor Nistora Nsitor Nistro Nisotr

Rijmen: resistor transistor Astor Castor Nestor adjustor ancestor mister sister blister chorister twister

Betekenis van de naam van Nistor is: the same as [Nestor] ; see also the toponymic name 'Nistor'
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: Romania United States Germany France United Kingdom Moldova Spain Austria Italy Canada Netherlands Switzerland Belgium Poland Hungary Philippines Pakistan Serbia Thailand Albania India Sweden Ireland Norway Jordan Greece New Zealand Chile Vietnam


Old Wiki
Name: Nistor
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Nestor ; see also the toponymic name Nistor

Beroemde mensen: Steliana Nistor, Dan Nistor, Ion Nistor, Steven Nistor, Nistor Grozavu

schrijvers: Gheorghe Nistor, Victor Nistor, Vlad Nistor, I. Nistor, Nistor Ciocan, Ion Nistor, Nicolae Nistor, Laura Nistor, Ioan Silviu Nistor

Meest recent gezochte namen: Janir Pesavento Abeyawardene Skeffers Altan Ranghella Karacheban Haddag Chizue Kohzad
Meest gezochte namen: Brian Evans Suchocki Dragos Davide Martin Vitelaru Ali Search Aaishah
Random: Minoza Hottlinger Kotfisz Tys Henkenius Tlatlik Frunzete Hepherd Bielan Tyechia

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