Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Nestmann

We have no records about Nestmann being used as firstname.
De achternaam Nestmann wordt minstens 156 keer gebruikt in ten minste 7 landen.
Chinese: 内斯特曼 (pinyin: nèi sī té màn)

      Surname Nestmann
Gegeven namen
Stefan Nestmann (5)
Klaus Nestmann (5)
Erika Nestmann (4)
Horst Nestmann (3)
Wolfgang Nestmann (3)
Elke Nestmann (2)
Hildegard Nestmann (2)
Burkhard Nestmann (2)
Dieter Nestmann (2)
Dietmar Nestmann (2)
Peter Nestmann (2)
Michael Nestmann (2)
Martin Nestmann (2)
Walter Nestmann (2)
Volker Nestmann (2)
Joachim Nestmann (2)
Willi Nestmann (2)
Lydie Nestmann (1)
Kurt Nestmann (1)
Ralf Nestmann (1)
Rainer Nestmann (1)
Petra Nestmann (1)
Norbert Nestmann (1)
Manuela Nestmann (1)
Margot Nestmann (1)
Martina Nestmann (1)
Matthias Nestmann (1)
Nick Nestmann (1)
Manfred Nestmann (1)
Markus Nestmann (1)
Ronny Nestmann (1)
Tillo Nestmann (1)
Thomas Nestmann (1)
Thilo Nestmann (1)
Susann Nestmann (1)
Tommy Nestmann (1)
Veronika Nestmann (1)
Roman Nestmann (1)
Gabriela Nestmann (1)
Agnieszka Nestmann (1)
Steffen Nestmann (1)
Simone Nestmann (1)
Rolf Nestmann (1)
Rene Nestmann (1)
Renate Nestmann (1)
Sabine Nestmann (1)
Siegfried Nestmann (1)
Simona Nestmann (1)
Silke Nestmann (1)
Sigrid Nestmann (1)
Reinhold Nestmann (1)
Jeannette Nestmann (1)
Bettina Nestmann (1)
Bernhard Nestmann (1)
Bernd Nestmann (1)
Barbara Nestmann (1)
Birgit Nestmann (1)
Burghardt Nestmann (1)
Cornelia Nestmann (1)
Constanze Nestmann (1)
Christian Nestmann (1)
Arthur Nestmann (1)
Anni Nestmann (1)
Henry Nestmann (1)
Donnell Nestmann (1)
Jason Nestmann (1)
James Nestmann (1)
Timothy Nestmann (1)
Andre Nestmann (1)
Annegret Nestmann (1)
Anne Nestmann (1)
Andreas Nestmann (1)
Dieta Nestmann (1)
Eberhard Nestmann (1)
Hubert Nestmann (1)
Helmut Nestmann (1)
Heinz Nestmann (1)
Hans Nestmann (1)
Ingrid Nestmann (1)
Irene Nestmann (1)
Karen Nestmann (1)
Jochen Nestmann (1)
Earle Nestmann (1)
Gunter Nestmann (1)
Grafikdesigner Nestmann (1)
Elise Nestmann (1)
Elisa Nestmann (1)
Elektromeister Nestmann (1)
Edith Nestmann (1)
Engelbert Nestmann (1)
Erhardt Nestmann (1)
Gottfried Nestmann (1)
Friedrich Nestmann (1)
Erich Nestmann (1)
Kerstin Nestmann (1)

Nestmann   Nestmann   

Nestmann reversed is Nnamtsen
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Nestmonn Nesstmann Nestmanna Nsetmann Nestmnan

Rijmen: Bultmann Hauptmann Bertelsmann Boltzmann Eichmann destine mention chairman lesson intestine

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Reinhold Nestmann says: Sehr interessant! Grüße aus Villingen-Schwenningen / Schwarzwald

Maurizio Nestmann says: Der Name Nestmann stammt aus dem osten deutschlands

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: Germany United States Canada Ireland Hungary United Kingdom Poland Thailand Argentina Hong Kong France Kazakhstan


schrijvers: Frank Nestmann, Uwe Nestmann, Mark Nestmann, E. R. Nestmann, Frank Nestmann Karl Lenz

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