Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Natur

Gebruik: 26% als voornaam, 74% als achternaam.
De voornaam Natur werd 19 keer gevonden in 10 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Natur wordt minstens 54 keer gebruikt in ten minste 14 landen.
Chinese: 纳图尔 (pinyin: nà tú ěr)

      Surname Natur
Gegeven namen
Laurent Natur (2)
Anne Natur (2)
Hashim Natur (2)
Marie Natur (1)
Waldemar Natur (1)
Energietechnik Natur (1)
Wanda Natur (1)
Jaroslaw Natur (1)
Hrin Natur (1)
Issam Natur (1)
Stephanie Natur (1)
Cecylia Natur (1)
Pascal Natur (1)
Cyrille Natur (1)
Nicole Natur (1)
Amal Natur (1)
Micheline Natur (1)
Francis Natur (1)
Abed Natur (1)
Nicolas Natur (1)
Pierre Natur (1)

Given name Natur
Natur Haus (1)

Natur   Natur   

Natur reversed is Rutan
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Natru Urtan Rnaut Naurt Nautr Ratun Taurn Ntaru
Misspells: Notur Natul Naturr Natura Ntaur Natru Nautr

Rijmen: Decatur imprimatur catcher stature dispatcher matter madder

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Du Huansohn says: Ihr huansöhne

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Germany United Kingdom France Malaysia Ireland Norway Thailand Egypt Austria Turkey Serbia Switzerland Netherlands


schrijvers: Natural Choices, Nature Lewis, Natural Standard, Learn Nature, Nature Conservancy, Nature Company, Grandeur Nature, Raw Sheets of Natural, Action for Nature, John Mo Nature-Wood, Ontario Natural Federation, MUSEUM NATURAL HIST, Canadian Museum of Nature, East West Natural Health, Natural Resources Institute, Scottish Natural Heritage

Boeken: "Naturalism" "Nature Girl" "Natural Science" "nature" "Nature's connections" "Nature: by the roadside" "Nature: lakes" "Nature: mountains" "Nature: wetlands" "Nature (Wonder Wld. Ency.)" "Natural Cuba natural" "Nature's calendar" "Natural rhythm" "NATURAL LIGHT" "Natural ceramics" "Danmarks natur"

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