Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Murgoi
We have no records about Murgoi being used as firstname.
De achternaam Murgoi wordt minstens 50 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Canada,Romania)
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 穆尔戈伊 (pinyin: mù ěr gē yī)
Gegeven namen
Ioan Murgoi (10) Maria Murgoi (3) Ion Murgoi (3) Viorel Murgoi (2) Rodica Murgoi (2) Gheorghe Murgoi (2) Ilie Murgoi (2) Dragomir Murgoi (2) Elena Murgoi (2) Petru Murgoi (1) Teodora Murgoi (1) Traian Murgoi (1) Nicoleta Murgoi (1) Viorica Murgoi (1) Ana Murgoi (1) Constantin Murgoi (1) Ileana Murgoi (1) Dumitru Murgoi (1) Livia Murgoi (1) Neculae Murgoi (1) Dimitrie Murgoi (1) Nicolae Murgoi (1) |
Murgoi reversed is Iogrum
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Urgimo Iugorm Rmuogi Girmou Ogimru Urmoig
Misspells: Mulgoi Murrgoi Murgoy Murgoj Murgoe Murgoia Mrugoi Murgio Murogi
Rijmen: coy decoy boy enjoy joy
Betekenis van de naam van Murgoi is: from the word 'murgoi' = ' 1. dark-bay horse , 2. minnow'
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen:
![United States:38 United States](/img/United-States-flag.png)
![Thailand:4 Thailand](/img/Thailand-flag.png)
![Canada:4 Canada](/img/Canada-flag.png)
![Romania:3 Romania](/img/Romania-flag.png)
![Iraq:3 Iraq](/img/Iraq-flag.png)
![Austria:2 Austria](/img/Austria-flag.png)
![Spain:1 Spain](/img/Spain-flag.png)
![Germany:1 Germany](/img/Germany-flag.png)
Domeinen - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Murgoi Language: Romanian Meaning: from the word murgoi = 1. dark-bay horse , 2. minnow Comments: |
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