Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Mihasca

We have no records about Mihasca being used as firstname.
De achternaam Mihasca wordt minstens 37 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Ukrainian.

      Surname Mihasca
Gegeven namen
Vasile Mihasca (7)
Gheorghe Mihasca (4)
Angela Mihasca (3)
Gavril Mihasca (2)
Aurel Mihasca (2)
Maria Mihasca (2)
Victor Mihasca (1)
Mihaela Mihasca (1)
Laurentiu Mihasca (1)
Iohana Mihasca (1)
Ghiran Mihasca (1)
Iacinta Mihasca (1)
Sabina Mihasca (1)

Mihasca reversed is Acsahim
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ashicam Asimach Miahasc Sahamci Aimhacs Acisham Casmahi Acmahis
Misspells: Mihosca Mihassca Myhasca Mjhasca Mehasca Mihascaa Mhiasca Mihasac Mihacsa

Rijmen: Athabasca Itasca Francesca Francisca Tosca nostalgia alfalfa piazza sacra savanna

Betekenis van de naam van Mihasca is: from the Ukrainian word 'miha' = 'name of a plant' plus the suffix '-aşcă'; Mihaşcă
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Old Wiki
Name: Mihasca
Language: Romanian
Origin: Ukrainian
Meaning: from the Ukrainian word miha = name of a plant plus the suffix -aşcă
Comments: Mihaşcă

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