Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Mavromoustakis

We have no records about Mavromoustakis being used as firstname.
De achternaam Mavromoustakis wordt minstens 9 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.

      Surname Mavromoustakis
Gegeven namen
Themos Mavromoustakis (1)
Stephanos Mavromoustakis (1)
Nicola Mavromoustakis (1)
George Mavromoustakis (1)
Aliki Mavromoustakis (1)

Mavromoustakis reversed is Sikatsuomorvam
Name contains 14 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Rakvaostuimmos Raisamusokmovt Rsosvaiktaomum
Misspells: Movromoustakis Mavlomoustakis Mavrromoustakis Mavromousstakis Mavromoustakys Mabromoustakis Mavromoustakjs Mavromoustakes Mavromoustakisa Mvaromoustakis Mavromoustaksi Mavromoustaiks

Rijmen: Kazantzakis Xenakis khakis dashikis truncatis

Meaning of this name is unknown.
isaac mavromoustakakis says: I have the lastname and it means blackmasuache

Emanouil Mavromoustakakis says: This surname is from Crete Greece, Isaac is correct, it means black moustache, it originated from my great grandfather, he had a big black moustache. At that time in the village of Cumbous there were too many people using the surname Xirakis, in order to save confusion my great grandfather was named by the locals after his big black moustache and it stuck. I have been fortunate enough to inherit his moustache. Mavromoustakakis has spread to mainland Greece, Germany, Australia and America. Although we have lost contact with the American Mavromoustakakis.

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States United Kingdom Australia Germany Cyprus Greece Tanzania


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