Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Lihoaca

We have no records about Lihoaca being used as firstname.
De achternaam Lihoaca wordt minstens 22 keer gebruikt in ten minste 1 landen. (Romania)

Gegeven namen
Amelia Lihoaca (3)
Simion Lihoaca (3)
Gabriela Lihoaca (2)
Ion Lihoaca (2)
Aurelia Lihoaca (2)
Aron Lihoaca (2)
Ovidiu Lihoaca (1)
Mircea Lihoaca (1)
Melanea Lihoaca (1)

Lihoaca reversed is Acaohil
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Oahical Liohaac Ihaocal Aaholci Ailhoca Aciahol Caalohi Oclahia
Misspells: Lihooca Lyhoaca Ljhoaca Lehoaca Lihoacaa Lhioaca Lihoaac Lihocaa

Rijmen: Ithaca Oaxaca Titicaca alpaca maraca coca cloaca cloacae mocha tapioca

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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