Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Klerfors

We have no records about Klerfors being used as firstname.
De achternaam Klerfors wordt minstens 35 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.

      Surname Klerfors
Gegeven namen
Gunnar Klerfors (3)
Johan Klerfors (2)
Daniel Klerfors (2)
Margareta Klerfors (2)
Michael Klerfors (1)
Maria Klerfors (1)
Marcus Klerfors (1)
Martin Klerfors (1)
Per Klerfors (1)
Sara Klerfors (1)
Stig Klerfors (1)
Sandra Klerfors (1)
Roland Klerfors (1)
Rickard Klerfors (1)
Robert Klerfors (1)
Lina Klerfors (1)
Kjell Klerfors (1)
Anna Klerfors (1)
Annika Klerfors (1)
Anders Klerfors (1)
Amanda Klerfors (1)
Alexander Klerfors (1)
Bertil Klerfors (1)
Christian Klerfors (1)
Samuel Klerfors (1)
Jurate Klerfors (1)
Henrik Klerfors (1)
Ester Klerfors (1)
Lena Klerfors (1)

Klerfors reversed is Srofrelk
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Klelfors Klerrfors Klerforss Klerforsa Kelrfors Klerfosr Klerfros

Rijmen: Connors Coors Juniors Labradors Moors Realtors Seniors servers observers precursors learners girders

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Daniel Klerfors says: Anders and Anna Andersson took the name Klerfors. They lived in the outskirts of Not as called Klerhult. In Klerhult there's a stream, "fors" in Swedish, which was important for Anderson and Anna, this since it acted as the power source for their mill. They took "Kler" from Klerhult and combined it with "fors", the stream that gave them their bread and butter, to the original name Klerfors.

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Sweden


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