Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Ingoldsby

Gebruik: 3% als voornaam, 97% als achternaam.
De voornaam Ingoldsby werd 11 keer gevonden in 1 verschillende landen. (USA)
De achternaam Ingoldsby wordt minstens 353 keer gebruikt in ten minste 6 landen.
Chinese: 英戈尔兹比 (pinyin: yīng gē ěr zī bǐ)

      Surname Ingoldsby
Gegeven namen
Deborah Ingoldsby (5)
Nigel Ingoldsby (5)
Claire Ingoldsby (4)
Ian Ingoldsby (4)
Jack Ingoldsby (3)
Garrett Ingoldsby (3)
John Ingoldsby (3)
Thomas Ingoldsby (3)
Denis Ingoldsby (2)
James Ingoldsby (2)
Vera Ingoldsby (2)
Kes Ingoldsby (1)
Jessie Ingoldsby (1)
Joyce Ingoldsby (1)
Kathleen Ingoldsby (1)
Marie Ingoldsby (1)
Monica Ingoldsby (1)
Norma Ingoldsby (1)
Paul Ingoldsby (1)
Penelope Ingoldsby (1)
Sara Ingoldsby (1)
Jessica Ingoldsby (1)
Rosaline Ingoldsby (1)
Sinead Ingoldsby (1)
Michael Ingoldsby (1)
Gary Ingoldsby (1)
Ann Ingoldsby (1)
Arnold Ingoldsby (1)
Beverley Ingoldsby (1)
Kiwanis Ingoldsby (1)
Ted Ingoldsby (1)
Leo Ingoldsby (1)
Gus Ingoldsby (1)
Charlotte Ingoldsby (1)
David Ingoldsby (1)
Terrance Ingoldsby (1)
Jay Ingoldsby (1)
Frank Ingoldsby (1)
Emily Ingoldsby (1)
Edward Ingoldsby (1)
Elizabeth Ingoldsby (1)
Jean Ingoldsby (1)


Ingoldsby reversed is Ybsdlogni
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Sdybgoiln Blygsidon
Misspells: Ingoldssby Yngoldsby Ingoldsbi Jngoldsby Engoldsby Ingoldsbya Ignoldsby Ingoldsyb Ingoldbsy

Rijmen: Cosby Crosby Gatsby busby passersby synodi imbongi piroshki

Betekenis van de naam van Ingoldsby is: (Locality). Inglesby, the town of the English, or Angles; perhaps the town was first named at the time the Angles first invaded Britain. Ing-gil-by, Saxon, the town near the brook in the narrow valley. A town in Lincolnshire, England.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States United Kingdom Ireland Peru Belgium Spain France


Beroemde mensen: Francis Ingoldsby, John Gordon Ingoldsby, Pat Ingoldsby, Maeve Ingoldsby , Declan Ingoldsby

schrijvers: Thomas Ingoldsby, Pat Ingoldsby, Mary F. Ingoldsby, Frank S. Ingoldsby, Bron B. Ingoldsby

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