Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Iftimovici

We have no records about Iftimovici being used as firstname.
De achternaam Iftimovici wordt minstens 32 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Romania,France)
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 伊夫蒂莫维奇 (pinyin: yī fū dì mò wéi jī)

Gegeven namen
Maria Iftimovici (5)
Dumitru Iftimovici (3)
Petru Iftimovici (3)
Neculai Iftimovici (2)
Elena Iftimovici (2)
Vasile Iftimovici (2)
Radu Iftimovici (1)
Toader Iftimovici (1)
Tudor Iftimovici (1)
Teodosie Iftimovici (1)
Raveica Iftimovici (1)
Mariana Iftimovici (1)
Ioan Iftimovici (1)
Gabriela Iftimovici (1)
Daniela Iftimovici (1)
Lenuta Iftimovici (1)
Magdalena Iftimovici (1)
Mihai Iftimovici (1)
Aglaia Iftimovici (1)
Mirela Iftimovici (1)

Iftimovici reversed is Icivomitfi
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Fimiitiocv Imfivociit Ifvitomcii Imcitifiov
Misspells: Yftimovici Iftimobici Jftimovici Eftimovici Iftimovicia Itfimovici Iftimoviic Iftimovcii

Rijmen: Medici umbilici twitchy litchi intercity subcommittee

Betekenis van de naam van Iftimovici is: from the name [Iftimie] plus the Slavonic suffix '-ovic' ; see also the Polish name [Eftimowski]
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: Romania United States Spain France Thailand India Switzerland

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Old Wiki
Name: Iftimovici
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the name Iftimie plus the Slavonic suffix -ovic ; see also the Polish name Eftimowski

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