Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Iftimie

Gebruik: 12% als voornaam, 88% als achternaam.
De voornaam Iftimie werd 181 keer gevonden in 5 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Iftimie wordt minstens 1317 keer gebruikt in ten minste 10 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 伊夫蒂米耶 (pinyin: yī fū dì mǐ yé)

      Surname Iftimie
Gegeven namen
Gheorghe Iftimie (74)
Constantin Iftimie (65)
Maria Iftimie (59)
Ioan Iftimie (53)
Vasile Iftimie (52)
Dumitru Iftimie (50)
Elena Iftimie (39)
Neculai Iftimie (25)
Mihai Iftimie (25)
Ion Iftimie (24)
Petru Iftimie (22)
Mircea Iftimie (22)
Ionel Iftimie (15)
Alexandru Iftimie (12)
Costica Iftimie (12)
Viorel Iftimie (12)
Rodica Iftimie (11)
Adrian Iftimie (10)
Stefan Iftimie (10)
Marian Iftimie (10)
Eugenia Iftimie (9)
Viorica Iftimie (9)
Nicolae Iftimie (9)
Ilie Iftimie (8)
Lucian Iftimie (8)
Costel Iftimie (7)
Florin Iftimie (7)
Aurel Iftimie (7)
Zamfira Iftimie (7)
Ana Iftimie (7)
Radu Iftimie (7)
Mariana Iftimie (7)
Ioana Iftimie (7)
Dan Iftimie (7)
Liliana Iftimie (6)
Ghita Iftimie (6)
Petrea Iftimie (6)
Toader Iftimie (6)
Octavian Iftimie (6)
Grigore Iftimie (6)
Anica Iftimie (6)
Dorina Iftimie (5)
Monica Iftimie (5)
Elisabeta Iftimie (5)
Mihaela Iftimie (5)
Eugen Iftimie (5)
Veronica Iftimie (5)
Andrei Iftimie (5)
Cornel Iftimie (5)
Teodor Iftimie (5)
Nicoleta Iftimie (4)
Valentin Iftimie (4)
Georgeta Iftimie (4)
Varvara Iftimie (4)
Aneta Iftimie (4)
Lucica Iftimie (4)
Adriana Iftimie (4)
Marius Iftimie (4)
Maricica Iftimie (4)
Victor Iftimie (4)
Sandu Iftimie (4)
Gheorghita Iftimie (4)
Tanase Iftimie (4)
Doru Iftimie (4)
Teodora Iftimie (4)
Costache Iftimie (4)
Sorin Iftimie (4)
Jenica Iftimie (3)
Traian Iftimie (3)
Daniel Iftimie (3)
Octav Iftimie (3)
Alexandrina Iftimie (3)
Mioara Iftimie (3)
Nelu Iftimie (3)
Ionut Iftimie (3)
Natalia Iftimie (3)
Valerica Iftimie (3)
Liviu Iftimie (3)
Emil Iftimie (3)
Bogdan Iftimie (3)
Culai Iftimie (3)
Lucretia Iftimie (3)
Felicia Iftimie (3)
Remus Iftimie (3)
Sava Iftimie (3)
Corneliu Iftimie (3)
Emilia Iftimie (3)
Luminita Iftimie (3)
Stelian Iftimie (3)
Sandel Iftimie (3)
Gabriel Iftimie (3)
Cornelia Iftimie (3)
Sterica Iftimie (2)
Marioara Iftimie (2)
Zinica Iftimie (2)
Virgil Iftimie (2)
Vasilica Iftimie (2)
Stana Iftimie (2)
Marionelia Iftimie (2)
Voicu Iftimie (2)
Maricel Iftimie (2)
Stanca Iftimie (2)
Minodora Iftimie (2)
Steluta Iftimie (2)
Maricela Iftimie (2)
Mihail Iftimie (2)
Sinica Iftimie (2)
Romica Iftimie (2)
Rozalea Iftimie (2)
Tita Iftimie (2)
Petronela Iftimie (2)
Petrica Iftimie (2)
Rozalia Iftimie (2)
Samson Iftimie (2)
Saveta Iftimie (2)
Sergiu Iftimie (2)
Tincuta Iftimie (2)
Saulea Iftimie (2)
Silvia Iftimie (2)
Toma Iftimie (2)
Panaite Iftimie (2)
Valeria Iftimie (2)
Nicusor Iftimie (2)
Valeriu Iftimie (2)
Sofita Iftimie (2)
Niculina Iftimie (2)
Nistor Iftimie (2)
Oachim Iftimie (2)
Ovidiu Iftimie (2)
Toni Iftimie (2)
Oltea Iftimie (2)
Tudorache Iftimie (2)
Niculai Iftimie (2)
Lucache Iftimie (2)
Busuioc Iftimie (2)
Georgel Iftimie (2)
Geluta Iftimie (2)
Dragos Iftimie (2)
Aurelia Iftimie (2)
Anisoara Iftimie (2)
Ionica Iftimie (2)
Ileana Iftimie (2)
Gelu Iftimie (2)
Cristian Iftimie (2)
Eremia Iftimie (2)
Emilian Iftimie (2)
Dorel Iftimie (2)
Despina Iftimie (2)
Floarea Iftimie (2)
Cristina Iftimie (2)
Florentina Iftimie (2)
Andonica Iftimie (2)
Aurora Iftimie (2)
Adela Iftimie (2)
Longines Iftimie (2)
Janeta Iftimie (2)
Jenita Iftimie (2)
Alecu Iftimie (2)
Julieta Iftimie (2)
Iulius Iftimie (2)
Carmen Iftimie (1)
Tasia Iftimie (1)
Cristinel Iftimie (1)
Tinel Iftimie (1)
Bogdal Iftimie (1)
Tinca Iftimie (1)
Cosmin Iftimie (1)
Stoian Iftimie (1)
Sterian Iftimie (1)
Doina Iftimie (1)
Marcela Iftimie (1)
Dorin Iftimie (1)
Sorina Iftimie (1)
Dinu Iftimie (1)
Adina Iftimie (1)
Danut Iftimie (1)
Constanta Iftimie (1)
Stratina Iftimie (1)
Ramona Iftimie (1)
Titina Iftimie (1)
Aristotel Iftimie (1)
Virginia Iftimie (1)
Asonica Iftimie (1)
Valerian Iftimie (1)
Antonela Iftimie (1)
Anton Iftimie (1)
Violeta Iftimie (1)
Veronina Iftimie (1)
Alida Iftimie (1)
Virginica Iftimie (1)
Avidica Iftimie (1)
Cezar Iftimie (1)
Clementa Iftimie (1)
Ancuta Iftimie (1)
Catinca Iftimie (1)
Tony Iftimie (1)
Turturel Iftimie (1)
Aglaia Iftimie (1)
Carolina Iftimie (1)
Zalomir Iftimie (1)

Given name Iftimie
Iftimie Isac (4)
Iftimie Grigore (4)
Iftimie Fodor (3)
Iftimie Zet (2)
Iftimie Cherciu (2)
Iftimie Obreja (2)
Iftimie Ilisei (2)
Iftimie Ichim (2)
Iftimie Blanaru (2)
Iftimie Pietrariu (2)
Iftimie Iacob (2)
Iftimie Pascal (2)
Iftimie Chirosca (2)
Iftimie Mecea (2)
Iftimie Voineag (2)
Iftimie Cadere (2)
Iftimie Ciudin (2)
Iftimie Iacomi (2)
Iftimie Hurniuc (2)
Iftimie Costin (2)
Iftimie Archip (2)
Iftimie Aftode (2)
Iftimie Morosanu (2)
Iftimie Popoia (2)
Iftimie Moisa (2)
Iftimie Ungurasu (2)
Iftimie Chiribasa (2)
Iftimie Sorcaru (2)
Iftimie Puscalau (2)
Iftimie Damian (2)
Iftimie Popa (2)
Iftimie Bucur (2)
Iftimie Vlad (2)
Iftimie Crihan (2)
Iftimie Daraban (2)
Iftimie Litu (2)
Iftimie Andries (2)
Iftimie Dragus (2)
Iftimie Pindic (2)
Iftimie Apetrei (2)
Iftimie Babii (2)
Iftimie Tampau (2)
Iftimie Grecea (2)
Iftimie Marmureanu (2)
Iftimie Coruga (2)
Iftimie Hahue (2)
Iftimie Rosca (1)
Iftimie Macsim (1)
Iftimie Bercaru (1)
Iftimie Morosan (1)
Iftimie Popescu (1)
Iftimie Artem (1)
Iftimie Vasilache (1)
Iftimie Manole (1)
Iftimie Leonte (1)
Iftimie Serea (1)
Iftimie Andonie (1)
Iftimie Opinca (1)
Iftimie Pamfilie (1)
Iftimie Leica (1)
Iftimie Grozav (1)
Iftimie Frunzoiu (1)
Iftimie Petrof (1)
Iftimie Stirbu (1)
Iftimie Titiana (1)
Iftimie Panaite (1)
Iftimie Alexandru (1)
Iftimie Zvinca (1)
Iftimie Diaconu (1)
Iftimie David (1)
Iftimie Ivan (1)
Iftimie Condrea (1)
Iftimie Bercuciu (1)
Iftimie Vasile (1)
Iftimie Neagu (1)
Iftimie Acatrinei (1)
Iftimie Bucataru (1)
Iftimie Bostan (1)
Iftimie Barbos (1)
Iftimie Melinte (1)
Iftimie Pintea (1)
Iftimie Cauneac (1)
Iftimie Corjeutarnu (1)
Iftimie Mogos (1)
Iftimie Dumitriu (1)
Iftimie Florea (1)
Iftimie Moise (1)
Iftimie Vrinceanu (1)
Iftimie Marascu (1)
Iftimie Talaba (1)
Iftimie Corbu (1)
Iftimie Zaharia (1)
Iftimie Cepraga (1)
Iftimie Motoc (1)
Iftimie Timaru (1)
Iftimie Cobuz (1)
Iftimie Cernica (1)
Iftimie Degeratu (1)
Iftimie Cretu (1)
Iftimie Antoce (1)
Iftimie Mihalache (1)
Iftimie Comanescu (1)
Iftimie Pascareanu (1)
Iftimie Toma (1)
Iftimie Tudor (1)
Iftimie Sfecles (1)
Iftimie Popoaia (1)
Iftimie Tebeica (1)
Iftimie Juncanariu (1)
Iftimie Maftei (1)
Iftimie Cristescu (1)
Iftimie Parau (1)
Iftimie Ghivnici (1)
Iftimie Ionica (1)
Iftimie Blohat (1)
Iftimie Decianu (1)
Iftimie Rusu (1)
Iftimie Dumitru (1)
Iftimie Lupu (1)
Iftimie Bulandra (1)
Iftimie Frangolea (1)
Iftimie Serban (1)
Iftimie Maxim (1)
Iftimie Grunitan (1)
Iftimie Preda (1)
Iftimie Galan (1)

Iftimie   Iftimie   

Iftimie reversed is Eimitfi
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Ifitemi Efitiim Iemiitf
Misspells: Yftimie Jftimie Eftimie Iftimiea Itfimie Iftimei Iftiime

Rijmen: Amie Jamie Jimmie Laramie Mamie Pottawatomie Sammie infamy epitome bigamy eerily guiltily

Betekenis van de naam van Iftimie is: the same as [Eftimie]
robert iftimie says: tres bien

bob iftimie says: sehrr gutt

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Romania Italy United Kingdom Germany Canada France Hong Kong Thailand Europe Australia Israel Sweden Philippines Belgium Austria Greece Spain India


Old Wiki
Name: Iftimie
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Eftimie

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