Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Hristodorescu
We have no records about Hristodorescu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Hristodorescu wordt minstens 47 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 赫里斯托多雷斯库 (pinyin: hè lǐ sī tuō duō léi sī kù)
Gegeven namen
Maria Hristodorescu (3) Olivia Hristodorescu (3) Ion Hristodorescu (3) Marioara Hristodorescu (2) Mircea Hristodorescu (2) Nicolae Hristodorescu (2) Victoria Hristodorescu (2) Nina Hristodorescu (2) Georgeta Hristodorescu (2) Letitia Hristodorescu (2) Gabriela Hristodorescu (2) Aurel Hristodorescu (1) Paul Hristodorescu (1) Stefan Hristodorescu (1) Nicoletta Hristodorescu (1) Atanase Hristodorescu (1) Cristian Hristodorescu (1) Eftinia Hristodorescu (1) Lucretia Hristodorescu (1) Dan Hristodorescu (1) Eugen Hristodorescu (1) Mariana Hristodorescu (1) Elena Hristodorescu (1) Cristina Hristodorescu (1) |
Hristodorescu reversed is Ucserodotsirh
Name contains 13 letters - 38.46% vowels and 61.54% consonants.
Anagrams: Tdishoocurser Dsocsorteuhir
Misspells: Hlistodorescu Hrristodorescu Hrisstodorescu Hrystodorescu Hrjstodorescu Hrestodorescu Hristodorescua Hirstodorescu Hristodoresuc Hristodorecsu
Rijmen: Ceausescu foreigu
Betekenis van de naam van Hristodorescu is: from the name [Hristodor] plus the suffix '-escu'
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen:
Domeinen - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Hristodorescu Language: Romanian Meaning: from the name Hristodor plus the suffix -escu Comments: |
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of de oorsprong van deze naam?
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