Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Greslebin

We have no records about Greslebin being used as firstname.
De achternaam Greslebin wordt minstens 27 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.
Chinese: 格雷勒班 (pinyin: gé léi lè bān)

      Surname Greslebin
Gegeven namen
Luc Greslebin (1)
Kathy Greslebin (1)
Roland Greslebin (1)
Sonia Greslebin (1)
Benoit Greslebin (1)
Jacqueline Greslebin (1)
Chantal Greslebin (1)
Michel Greslebin (1)
Karen Greslebin (1)
Richard Greslebin (1)
Thomas Greslebin (1)
Celine Greslebin (1)
Isabelle Greslebin (1)


Greslebin reversed is Nibelserg
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Enseglibr Ilnebgesr Nbilgesre
Misspells: Gleslebin Grreslebin Gresslebin Greslebyn Greslebjn Gresleben Greslebina Gerslebin Greslebni Gresleibn

Rijmen: Dobbin Harbin Jacobin Rabin Robbin Robin Rubin jessamine adrenalin gentlemen

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Marcelo Greslebin says: El orígen del apellido Greslebin viene de una villa en Normandía (Francia), una zona de cultivo de vid y que significa"Griseslas viñas" en español, "Grisles vignes" en francés y " Grey wineyards" en inglés

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