Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Gorgoteanu

We have no records about Gorgoteanu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Gorgoteanu wordt minstens 35 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (USA,Romania)

Gegeven namen
Constantin Gorgoteanu (3)
Angela Gorgoteanu (2)
Gheorghe Gorgoteanu (2)
Maria Gorgoteanu (2)
Tudorita Gorgoteanu (2)
Elisaveta Gorgoteanu (2)
Constanta Gorgoteanu (2)
Ecaterina Gorgoteanu (2)
Elena Gorgoteanu (2)
Viorel Gorgoteanu (1)
Nicolae Gorgoteanu (1)
Pauna Gorgoteanu (1)
Mihai Gorgoteanu (1)
Stefan Gorgoteanu (1)
Felicia Gorgoteanu (1)
Ciresica Gorgoteanu (1)
Emil Gorgoteanu (1)
Eugen Gorgoteanu (1)
Floricica Gorgoteanu (1)
Florin Gorgoteanu (1)

Gorgoteanu reversed is Unaetogrog
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Googetnuar
Misspells: Gorgoteonu Golgoteanu Gorrgoteanu Gorgoteanua Grogoteanu Gorgoteaun Gorgotenau

Rijmen: bijou bijoux hsiu sieu spiritu

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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