Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Gombay
We have no records about Gombay being used as firstname.
De achternaam Gombay wordt minstens 21 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.
Chinese: 贡鲍伊 (pinyin: gòng bào yī)
Gegeven namen
Markus Gombay (2) Agnes Gombay (2) Andre Gombay (2) Sandor Gombay (1) Aniko Gombay (1) Ferenc Gombay (1) Robert Gombay (1) Lajos Gombay (1) Brydon Gombay (1) Csaba Gombay (1) Istvanne Gombay (1) Lajosne Gombay (1) |
Gombay reversed is Yabmog
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ombyga Yobamg Mgoaby Bymgao Abygmo Omgayb
Misspells: Gomboy Gombai Gombaya Gmobay Gombya Gomaby
Rijmen: Bombay bay convey today cafe gangway umbrae
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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