Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Godhe

We have no records about Godhe being used as firstname.
De achternaam Godhe wordt minstens 35 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.
Chinese: 戈德 (pinyin: gē dé)

      Surname Godhe
Gegeven namen
Scott Godhe (2)
Anders Godhe (2)
Anita Godhe (2)
Linda Godhe (1)
Manne Godhe (1)
Kersti Godhe (1)
Thomas Godhe (1)
Kennet Godhe (1)
Marcus Godhe (1)
Martin Godhe (1)
Michael Godhe (1)
Seraphine Godhe (1)
Mia Godhe (1)
Jon Godhe (1)
Patrik Godhe (1)
Inge Godhe (1)
Darren Godhe (1)
Perry Godhe (1)
Ivan Godhe (1)
Andy Godhe (1)
Anette Godhe (1)
Anna Godhe (1)
Goran Godhe (1)
Christina Godhe (1)
Carl Godhe (1)
Bjorn Godhe (1)
Isabell Godhe (1)

Godhe reversed is Ehdog
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Godeh Ohged Hedog Egohd Gohed Gohde Doheg Gdoeh
Misspells: Godhea Gdohe Godeh Gohde

Rijmen: gods rods cops nods pods

Betekenis van de naam van Godhe is: Old Swedish form of Góði
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Sweden Canada Italy Thailand Norway Turkey Denmark Finland India


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