Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Gilloux

We have no records about Gilloux being used as firstname.
De achternaam Gilloux wordt minstens 81 keer gebruikt in ten minste 1 landen. (France)
Chinese: 吉卢 (pinyin: jí lú)

Gegeven namen
Bernard Gilloux (3)
Jean Gilloux (3)
Louis Gilloux (3)
Damien Gilloux (2)
Pierre Gilloux (2)
Andre Gilloux (2)
Alain Gilloux (2)
Michel Gilloux (2)
Robert Gilloux (2)
Eliane Gilloux (2)
Gregory Gilloux (2)
Josette Gilloux (2)
Regis Gilloux (2)
Christophe Gilloux (2)
David Gilloux (2)
Madeleine Gilloux (1)
Marcelle Gilloux (1)
Michele Gilloux (1)
Patrick Gilloux (1)
Odette Gilloux (1)
Vanessa Gilloux (1)
Loic Gilloux (1)
Justine Gilloux (1)
Nathalie Gilloux (1)
Sylviane Gilloux (1)
Sylvie Gilloux (1)
Dominique Gilloux (1)
Bruno Gilloux (1)
Henriette Gilloux (1)
Veronique Gilloux (1)
Amandine Gilloux (1)
Anne Gilloux (1)
Rachele Gilloux (1)
Edmond Gilloux (1)
Cendrine Gilloux (1)
Frederique Gilloux (1)
Guilhem Gilloux (1)
Maguelone Gilloux (1)
Claude Gilloux (1)
Josiane Gilloux (1)
Franck Gilloux (1)
Serge Gilloux (1)
Chantal Gilloux (1)
Paul Gilloux (1)
William Gilloux (1)
Celine Gilloux (1)
Stephan Gilloux (1)
Eric Gilloux (1)
Georgette Gilloux (1)
Anais Gilloux (1)
Catherine Gilloux (1)
Christian Gilloux (1)
Gabrielle Gilloux (1)
Gerard Gilloux (1)
Helene Gilloux (1)


Gilloux reversed is Xuollig
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Glixluo Loliuxg Loigxul
Misspells: Gylloux Gjlloux Gelloux Gillouxa Gliloux Gilloxu Gilluox

Rijmen: Giraudoux Sioux grew que crew q clue

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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