Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Ghiriti
We have no records about Ghiriti being used as firstname.
De achternaam Ghiriti wordt minstens 119 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.
Chinese: 吉里蒂 (pinyin: jí lǐ dì)
Gegeven namen
Gheorghe Ghiriti (19) Vasile Ghiriti (18) Maria Ghiriti (11) Ioan Ghiriti (9) Ana Ghiriti (8) Irina Ghiriti (8) Dumitru Ghiriti (7) Petru Ghiriti (3) Floare Ghiriti (3) Cornelia Ghiriti (2) Rodica Ghiriti (2) Andrei Ghiriti (2) Dorel Ghiriti (2) Doru Ghiriti (2) Marioara Ghiriti (2) Nelu Ghiriti (1) Viorica Ghiriti (1) Zina Ghiriti (1) Viorel Ghiriti (1) Mariana Ghiriti (1) Iolanda Ghiriti (1) Ioana Ghiriti (1) Lenuta Ghiriti (1) Eduard Ghiriti (1) Mihai Ghiriti (1) Susana Ghiriti (1) |
Ghiriti reversed is Itirihg
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Gihirti Riihtig Rihgiti Hiirtig Ihgirti Ithiirg Tiigrih
Misspells: Ghiliti Ghirriti Ghyriti Ghjriti Gheriti Ghiritia Gihriti Ghiriit Ghirtii
Rijmen: Haiti Kuwaiti Nefertiti Tahiti graffiti wapiti committee gritty city pretty pity
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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