Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Ghigeanu
We have no records about Ghigeanu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Ghigeanu wordt minstens 96 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Romania,Norway)
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 吉贾努 (pinyin: jí gǔ nǔ)
Gegeven namen
Marin Ghigeanu (7) Gheorghe Ghigeanu (6) Ion Ghigeanu (6) Marina Ghigeanu (4) Florian Ghigeanu (4) Nicolae Ghigeanu (4) Dumitru Ghigeanu (4) Aurel Ghigeanu (3) Maria Ghigeanu (3) Viorica Ghigeanu (3) Valentin Ghigeanu (3) Mariana Ghigeanu (2) Alexandra Ghigeanu (2) Nicola Ghigeanu (2) Adrian Ghigeanu (2) Stelian Ghigeanu (2) Toma Ghigeanu (2) Liviu Ghigeanu (2) Valeriu Ghigeanu (2) Luminita Ghigeanu (2) Florentina Ghigeanu (2) Elena Ghigeanu (2) Cristian Ghigeanu (2) Lucian Ghigeanu (2) Viorel Ghigeanu (1) Vintila Ghigeanu (1) Valentina Ghigeanu (1) Tudor Ghigeanu (1) Mirona Ghigeanu (1) Magdalena Ghigeanu (1) Floarea Ghigeanu (1) Anghelina Ghigeanu (1) Florea Ghigeanu (1) Gherghina Ghigeanu (1) Marian Ghigeanu (1) Ilie Ghigeanu (1) Rodica Ghigeanu (1) |
Ghigeanu reversed is Unaegihg
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ggihuena Nigaehug Gaigenuh Uehingag Iahengug Aegginhu
Misspells: Ghigeonu Ghygeanu Ghjgeanu Ghegeanu Ghigeanua Gihgeanu Ghigeaun Ghigenau
Rijmen: iu emu itu eeuw hsiu
Betekenis van de naam van Ghigeanu is: from the name [Ghiga] plus the anthroponym suffix '-eanu'
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