Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Gheorghiciuc

We have no records about Gheorghiciuc being used as firstname.
De achternaam Gheorghiciuc wordt minstens 38 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.

      Surname Gheorghiciuc
Gegeven namen
Vasili Gheorghiciuc (3)
Vasile Gheorghiciuc (2)
Afanasi Gheorghiciuc (2)
Petru Gheorghiciuc (2)
Maria Gheorghiciuc (2)
Constantin Gheorghiciuc (2)
Niculai Gheorghiciuc (1)
Costache Gheorghiciuc (1)
Benone Gheorghiciuc (1)
Gabriel Gheorghiciuc (1)
Gheorghe Gheorghiciuc (1)
Marinela Gheorghiciuc (1)
Aurica Gheorghiciuc (1)
Ioan Gheorghiciuc (1)
Mihai Gheorghiciuc (1)
Veaceslav Gheorghiciuc (1)
Margarita Gheorghiciuc (1)
Iuliu Gheorghiciuc (1)
Ion Gheorghiciuc (1)
Eremei Gheorghiciuc (1)
Nina Gheorghiciuc (1)
Oleg Gheorghiciuc (1)
Arcadie Gheorghiciuc (1)
Varvara Gheorghiciuc (1)
Ruslan Gheorghiciuc (1)
Vera Gheorghiciuc (1)


Gheorghiciuc reversed is Cuicihgroehg
Name contains 12 letters - 41.67% vowels and 58.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Roegcigcihhu Ocihhegirugc Ugcigoechihr
Misspells: Gheolghiciuc Gheorrghiciuc Gheorghyciuc Gheorghjciuc Gheorgheciuc Gheorghiciuca Gehorghiciuc Gheorghicicu Gheorghicuic

Rijmen: rebuke souk dybbuk duke uk

Betekenis van de naam van Gheorghiciuc is: from the name [Gheorghe] plus the Ukrainian suffix '-cuk'
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Romania Austria Moldova Poland Hungary Thailand Germany Hong Kong

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Old Wiki
Name: Gheorghiciuc
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the name Gheorghe plus the Ukrainian suffix -cuk

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