Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Gheorghe
Gebruik: 94% als voornaam, 6% als achternaam.
De voornaam Gheorghe werd 261127 keer gevonden in 37 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Gheorghe wordt minstens 14411 keer gebruikt in ten minste 36 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 格奥尔基 (pinyin: gé ào ěr jī)
![]() | Gegeven namen
Ion Gheorghe (699) Gheorghe Gheorghe (543) Constantin Gheorghe (453) Maria Gheorghe (426) Elena Gheorghe (371) Nicolae Gheorghe (352) Dumitru Gheorghe (324) Marin Gheorghe (284) Marian Gheorghe (176) Alexandru Gheorghe (160) Ioana Gheorghe (151) Mihai Gheorghe (126) Georgeta Gheorghe (115) Ilie Gheorghe (114) Ionel Gheorghe (104) Ioan Gheorghe (102) Aurel Gheorghe (100) Florea Gheorghe (92) Mariana Gheorghe (87) Ana Gheorghe (81) Florica Gheorghe (70) Florin Gheorghe (69) Adrian Gheorghe (63) Mircea Gheorghe (63) Mihaela Gheorghe (57) Daniel Gheorghe (55) Floarea Gheorghe (54) Aurelia Gheorghe (53) Marioara Gheorghe (51) Constanta Gheorghe (51) Cristian Gheorghe (50) Ecaterina Gheorghe (48) Eugenia Gheorghe (46) Dumitra Gheorghe (45) Iulian Gheorghe (45) Costel Gheorghe (41) Florian Gheorghe (41) Daniela Gheorghe (40) Cornelia Gheorghe (39) Ileana Gheorghe (37) Marius Gheorghe (37) Alexandrina Gheorghe (36) Gheorghita Gheorghe (36) Aurica Gheorghe (35) Costica Gheorghe (35) Mihail Gheorghe (35) Cornel Gheorghe (35) Gherghina Gheorghe (35) Doina Gheorghe (33) Gabriela Gheorghe (33) Nicoleta Gheorghe (33) Gabriel Gheorghe (30) Anica Gheorghe (30) Lucian Gheorghe (30) Grigore Gheorghe (30) Dan Gheorghe (29) Liliana Gheorghe (28) Andrei Gheorghe (27) Carmen Gheorghe (27) Emil Gheorghe (27) Elisabeta Gheorghe (27) Marcel Gheorghe (27) Corneliu Gheorghe (27) Adriana Gheorghe (27) Anghel Gheorghe (26) Margareta Gheorghe (26) Aurelian Gheorghe (26) Neculai Gheorghe (26) Camelia Gheorghe (26) Laurentiu Gheorghe (24) Cristina Gheorghe (24) Liviu Gheorghe (23) Alexandra Gheorghe (23) Eugen Gheorghe (23) Anisoara Gheorghe (22) Angela Gheorghe (21) Constantina Gheorghe (20) Lucia Gheorghe (20) Lenuta Gheorghe (20) Filofteia Gheorghe (20) Lina Gheorghe (20) Mirela Gheorghe (19) George Gheorghe (19) Mihaita Gheorghe (18) Florentina Gheorghe (18) Aneta Gheorghe (18) Luminita Gheorghe (17) Emilia Gheorghe (16) Dorina Gheorghe (16) Anghelina Gheorghe (15) Iordan Gheorghe (15) Iuliana Gheorghe (15) Mitica Gheorghe (15) Florentin Gheorghe (15) Eugeniu Gheorghe (15) Neagu Gheorghe (14) Marieta Gheorghe (14) Anton Gheorghe (14) Anca Gheorghe (14) Mihalache Gheorghe (13) Monica Gheorghe (13) Mita Gheorghe (13) Neculae Gheorghe (12) Dorin Gheorghe (12) Marcela Gheorghe (12) Gica Gheorghe (12) Lucica Gheorghe (12) Catalin Gheorghe (12) Mioara Gheorghe (12) Marilena Gheorghe (12) Dorel Gheorghe (12) Dobre Gheorghe (11) Ionut Gheorghe (11) Iancu Gheorghe (11) Danut Gheorghe (11) Geta Gheorghe (11) Magdalena Gheorghe (11) Irina Gheorghe (10) Lucretia Gheorghe (10) Frusina Gheorghe (10) Anastasia Gheorghe (10) Georgel Gheorghe (10) Domnica Gheorghe (10) Cristea Gheorghe (10) Cristinel Gheorghe (10) Nela Gheorghe (10) Alina Gheorghe (10) Cristache Gheorghe (10) Florina Gheorghe (9) Georgica Gheorghe (9) Gigi Gheorghe (9) Jana Gheorghe (9) Gina Gheorghe (9) Livia Gheorghe (9) Eleonora Gheorghe (9) Ilinca Gheorghe (9) Nelu Gheorghe (9) Nastasia Gheorghe (9) Dragos Gheorghe (8) Claudia Gheorghe (8) Natalia Gheorghe (8) Lica Gheorghe (8) Cosmin Gheorghe (8) Jean Gheorghe (8) David Gheorghe (8) Elisaveta Gheorghe (8) Georgiana Gheorghe (8) Atanase Gheorghe (8) Marinela Gheorghe (8) Madalina Gheorghe (7) Lidia Gheorghe (7) Dobrita Gheorghe (7) Leana Gheorghe (7) Leonard Gheorghe (7) Barbu Gheorghe (7) Leontina Gheorghe (7) Aurora Gheorghe (7) Gigel Gheorghe (7) Doru Gheorghe (7) Haralambie Gheorghe (7) Benone Gheorghe (7) Vasile Gheorghe (7) Jenica Gheorghe (7) Adina Gheorghe (7) Dimciu Gheorghe (7) Fanica Gheorghe (6) Corina Gheorghe (6) Florenta Gheorghe (6) Iosif Gheorghe (6) Matilda Gheorghe (6) Florinel Gheorghe (6) Alecsandru Gheorghe (6) Agripina Gheorghe (6) Joita Gheorghe (6) Eduard Gheorghe (6) Nicolaie Gheorghe (6) Dinu Gheorghe (6) Iorgu Gheorghe (6) Matei Gheorghe (6) Catalina Gheorghe (6) Fanel Gheorghe (6) Felicia Gheorghe (6) Emilian Gheorghe (6) Bogdan Gheorghe (6) Iulia Gheorghe (6) Ionela Gheorghe (6) Iliana Gheorghe (6) Cecilia Gheorghe (6) Emanoil Gheorghe (6) Angelica Gheorghe (6) Moise Gheorghe (6) Margarit Gheorghe (6) Amalia Gheorghe (5) Iordana Gheorghe (5) Paul Gheorghe (5) Costache Gheorghe (5) Laura Gheorghe (5) Ionica Gheorghe (5) Marinica Gheorghe (5) Claudiu Gheorghe (5) |
![]() | Familienamen Gheorghe Ciobanu (189) Gheorghe Popa (140) Gheorghe Cojocaru (91) Gheorghe Ceban (90) Gheorghe Gutu (86) Gheorghe Grosu (81) Gheorghe Balan (80) Gheorghe Popescu (76) Gheorghe Cretu (70) Gheorghe Florea (69) Gheorghe Cebotari (64) Gheorghe Radu (58) Gheorghe Cazacu (58) Gheorghe Bivol (55) Gheorghe Luca (52) Gheorghe Lazar (52) Gheorghe Bogdan (52) Gheorghe Anghel (52) Gheorghe Ardelean (49) Gheorghe Cojocari (48) Gheorghe Crisan (47) Gheorghe Cristea (47) Gheorghe Muntean (46) Gheorghe Chicu (45) Gheorghe Stoica (44) Gheorghe Stan (44) Gheorghe Grecu (42) Gheorghe Pop (41) Gheorghe Albu (40) Gheorghe Guzun (40) Gheorghe Ionescu (39) Gheorghe Craciun (38) Gheorghe Matei (37) Gheorghe Barbu (37) Gheorghe Dumitru (37) Gheorghe Dragan (37) Gheorghe Coman (37) Gheorghe Stefan (37) Gheorghe Constantin (36) Gheorghe Botnari (36) Gheorghe Avram (36) Gheorghe Andronic (36) Gheorghe Cebanu (36) Gheorghe Suciu (35) Gheorghe Catana (34) Gheorghe Marginean (34) Gheorghe Groza (33) Gheorghe Diaconu (33) Gheorghe Rus (33) Gheorghe Iancu (33) Gheorghe Badea (33) Gheorghe Chiriac (33) Gheorghe Botnaru (33) Gheorghe Boboc (32) Gheorghe Moldovan (32) Gheorghe Burlacu (32) Gheorghe Adam (32) Gheorghe Cucu (31) Gheorghe Gaina (31) Gheorghe Croitoru (30) Gheorghe Costea (30) Gheorghe Ignat (29) Gheorghe Gherman (29) Gheorghe David (29) Gheorghe Focsa (29) Gheorghe Serban (29) Gheorghe Baciu (29) Gheorghe Rusu (28) Gheorghe Carp (28) Gheorghe Bejan (28) Gheorghe Borta (27) Gheorghe Bostan (27) Gheorghe Dodon (27) Gheorghe Stanciu (27) Gheorghe Olteanu (26) Gheorghe Istrate (26) Gheorghe Cozma (26) Gheorghe Istrati (26) Gheorghe Mihai (26) Gheorghe Tudor (26) Gheorghe Esanu (26) Gheorghe Busuioc (25) Gheorghe Birca (25) Gheorghe Anton (25) Gheorghe Efros (25) Gheorghe Ilie (25) Gheorghe Bulat (25) Gheorghe Bors (25) Gheorghe Enache (24) Gheorghe Frunza (24) Gheorghe Filip (24) Gheorghe Gisca (24) Gheorghe Bujor (23) Gheorghe Condrea (23) Gheorghe Antoci (23) Gheorghe Muresan (23) Gheorghe Bagrin (23) Gheorghe Oprea (23) Gheorghe Braga (22) Gheorghe Ionita (22) Gheorghe Roman (22) Gheorghe Gavrilita (22) Gheorghe Gonta (22) Gheorghe Golban (22) Gheorghe Sima (22) Gheorghe Cantir (22) Gheorghe Coroi (22) Gheorghe Munteanu (22) Gheorghe Toma (22) Gheorghe Bitca (21) Gheorghe Andries (21) Gheorghe Andrei (21) Gheorghe Ciubotaru (21) Gheorghe Filimon (21) Gheorghe Voicu (21) Gheorghe Jardan (21) Gheorghe Ciocan (21) Gheorghe Bucur (21) Gheorghe Marin (21) Gheorghe Gheorghe (21) Gheorghe Darii (20) Gheorghe Cucos (20) Gheorghe Botezatu (20) Gheorghe Ene (20) Gheorghe Dumitrescu (20) Gheorghe Buzu (20) Gheorghe Brinza (20) Gheorghe Dan (20) Gheorghe Josan (20) Gheorghe Creciun (20) Gheorghe Trif (20) Gheorghe Croitor (20) Gheorghe Isac (19) Gheorghe Simion (19) Gheorghe Rosu (19) Gheorghe Codreanu (19) Gheorghe Pavel (19) Gheorghe Dragomir (19) Gheorghe Manea (19) Gheorghe Calin (19) Gheorghe Apostol (19) Gheorghe Ghita (19) Gheorghe Arama (19) Gheorghe Vasile (19) Gheorghe Caraman (19) Gheorghe Savu (19) Gheorghe Hincu (19) Gheorghe Jalba (19) Gheorghe Hanganu (18) Gheorghe Ionas (18) Gheorghe Cernei (18) Gheorghe Caraus (18) Gheorghe Grigore (18) Gheorghe Bodrug (18) Gheorghe Gincu (18) Gheorghe Grigoras (18) Gheorghe Morar (18) Gheorghe Chihai (18) Gheorghe Todea (18) Gheorghe Ababii (18) Gheorghe Radulescu (18) Gheorghe Negru (18) Gheorghe Petrescu (18) Gheorghe Bobeica (17) Gheorghe Nicoara (17) Gheorghe Cirstea (17) Gheorghe Marinescu (17) Gheorghe Cosma (17) Gheorghe Crudu (17) Gheorghe Neacsu (17) Gheorghe Buga (17) Gheorghe Stanescu (17) Gheorghe Nicolae (17) Gheorghe Chirila (17) Gheorghe Ghilan (17) Gheorghe Oltean (17) Gheorghe Damian (17) Gheorghe Furtuna (17) Gheorghe Chirilov (17) Gheorghe Cibu (17) Gheorghe Lozovanu (17) Gheorghe Oancea (17) Gheorghe Buzdugan (17) Gheorghe Besliu (17) Gheorghe Sandu (17) Gheorghe Ion (17) Gheorghe Ungureanu (17) Gheorghe Ghenciu (17) Gheorghe Iordache (16) Gheorghe Bargan (16) Gheorghe Lisnic (16) Gheorghe Chiper (16) Gheorghe Enachi (16) Gheorghe Nistor (16) Gheorghe Lascu (16) Gheorghe Iacob (16) Gheorghe Georgescu (16) Gheorghe Iovu (16) Gheorghe Ivan (16) Gheorghe Bulboaca (16) |

Gheorghe reversed is Ehgroehg
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Hheegogr Rhehgoeg Heohgerg
Misspells: Gheolghe Gheorrghe Gheorghea Gehorghe Gheorgeh Gheorhge
Rijmen: sheepdog leapfrog treefrog
Betekenis van de naam van Gheorghe is: To proceed
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Domeinen - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - FREE - REGISTERED | Old Wiki Name: Gheorghe Language: Romanian Meaning: the name of a saint, present in many toponyms as Valea lui Gheorghe, Gheorgheni, etc. Comments: |
Beroemde mensen: Gheorghe Ghimpu, Vasile Gheorghe, Costin Gheorghe, Gheorghe Hagi, Gheorghe Gică Popescu, Gheorghe Asachi, Gheorghe Zamfir, Gheorghe Chiper, Ion Gheorghe Iosif Maurer
schrijvers: Gheorghe Nistor, Gheorghe Lucian, Gheorghe Alexe, Gheorghe Munteanu, Gheorghe Enciu, Gheorghe Almási, Gheorghe Baciu, Gheorghe Grigurcu, Gheorghe Zaharia, Gheorghe Lazarovici, Gheorghe Filip, Gheorghe Oprea, Gheorghe Gheorghiu
Boeken: "Gheorghe Asachi: studii" "Looking for Gheorghe"
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