Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Garnsworthy

Gebruik: 2% als voornaam, 98% als achternaam.
De voornaam Garnsworthy werd 2 keer gevonden in 2 verschillende landen. (USA,Australia)
De achternaam Garnsworthy wordt minstens 94 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.
Chinese: 加恩兹沃西 (pinyin: jiā ēn zī wò xī)

      Surname Garnsworthy
Gegeven namen
David Garnsworthy (6)
Duncan Garnsworthy (4)
Adam Garnsworthy (4)
Alan Garnsworthy (3)
Graham Garnsworthy (3)
Courtney Garnsworthy (2)
Gillian Garnsworthy (2)
Deborah Garnsworthy (2)
Evelyn Garnsworthy (2)
Harold Garnsworthy (2)
Gemma Garnsworthy (2)
Catherine Garnsworthy (2)
Alison Garnsworthy (2)
Andrew Garnsworthy (2)
Barbara Garnsworthy (2)
Elsie Garnsworthy (1)
Doreen Garnsworthy (1)
Robert Garnsworthy (1)
Douglas Garnsworthy (1)
Dorothy Garnsworthy (1)
Helen Garnsworthy (1)
Phyllis Garnsworthy (1)
Muriel Garnsworthy (1)
Lucy Garnsworthy (1)
Philip Garnsworthy (1)
James Garnsworthy (1)
Gail Garnsworthy (1)
Judith Garnsworthy (1)
Denise Garnsworthy (1)
Brendan Garnsworthy (1)
Cameron Garnsworthy (1)
Celia Garnsworthy (1)
Brenda Garnsworthy (1)
Benjamin Garnsworthy (1)
Alastair Garnsworthy (1)
Anthony Garnsworthy (1)
Ben Garnsworthy (1)
Christopher Garnsworthy (1)
Clare Garnsworthy (1)
Derek Garnsworthy (1)
Diana Garnsworthy (1)
Diane Garnsworthy (1)
Peter Garnsworthy (1)
Darren Garnsworthy (1)
Colin Garnsworthy (1)
Daphne Garnsworthy (1)
Dianne Garnsworthy (1)

Garnsworthy reversed is Yhtrowsnrag
Name contains 11 letters - 27.27% vowels and 72.73% consonants.

Misspells: Gornsworthy Galnsworthy Garrnsworthy Garnssworthy Garnsworthi Garnsvvorthy Garnsworthya Gransworthy Garnswortyh Garnsworhty

Rijmen: Dorthy Galsworthy Horthy airworthy blameworthy newsworthy noteworthy artery conversely archery armory quandary

Meaning of this name is unknown.
David Garnsworthy says: "The Family Name History." The origin of the name is given as a place name so you became "one from Garnsworthy".

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States United Kingdom Australia Canada Ireland France Singapore Croatia


Beroemde mensen: Lewis Samuel Garnsworthy, Alasdair George Garnsworthy

schrijvers: Kathy Garnsworthy, David Garnsworthy, Phil Garnsworthy, Philip C. Garnsworthy, R. K. Garnsworthy

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