Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Gallach

We have no records about Gallach being used as firstname.
De achternaam Gallach wordt minstens 58 keer gebruikt in ten minste 8 landen.
Chinese: 加拉什 (pinyin: jiā lā shén)

      Surname Gallach
Gegeven namen
Jose Gallach (4)
Maria Gallach (3)
Josep Gallach (3)
Dolores Gallach (2)
Juan Gallach (2)
Camilo Gallach (2)
Mercedes Gallach (2)
Lorenzo Gallach (1)
Lourdes Gallach (1)
Margarita Gallach (1)
Salvador Gallach (1)
Lluis Gallach (1)
Zoraida Gallach (1)
Vicente Gallach (1)
Rosa Gallach (1)
Marina Gallach (1)
Ricardo Gallach (1)
Patricia Gallach (1)
Miguel Gallach (1)
Julio Gallach (1)
Martin Gallach (1)
Roger Gallach (1)
Ramon Gallach (1)
Josefa Gallach (1)
Sabine Gallach (1)
Siegfried Gallach (1)
Angel Gallach (1)
Rolf Gallach (1)
Harlad Gallach (1)
Cecile Gallach (1)
Maryvonne Gallach (1)
Angelina Gallach (1)
Cristina Gallach (1)
Isabel Gallach (1)
Jaime Gallach (1)
Jordi Gallach (1)
Gema Gallach (1)
Encarna Gallach (1)
David Gallach (1)
Eduardo Gallach (1)
Jack Gallach (1)

Gallach reversed is Hcallag
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Gollach Gallacha Glalach Gallahc Gallcah

Rijmen: Almach Bach Banach Beach Bernbach Cranach Leach barrack cassock havoc hammock paddock

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Germany France United Kingdom Australia Spain Italy Austria


schrijvers: John Gallacher, Ian Gallacher, Cathryn Gallacher, Greg Gallacher, Marcie Gallacher, Frank Gallacher, Kevin Gallacher, Pauline Gallacher, Andrew Gallacher, Christine Gallacher, Simon Gallacher, Instituto Gallach, Tom Gallacher, Ken Gallacher, Bernard Gallacher, Jim Gallacher, Lorraine Gallacher, Joseph Gallacher, Gerard Gallacher, Liz Gallacher

Boeken: "Gallachers" "The Hughie Gallacher story" "The Skeets Gallacher story"

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