Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Fretwurst

We have no records about Fretwurst being used as firstname.
De achternaam Fretwurst wordt minstens 13 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.

      Surname Fretwurst
Gegeven namen
Jan Fretwurst (2)
Ragnhild Fretwurst (1)
Erik Fretwurst (1)
Ralph Fretwurst (1)


Fretwurst reversed is Tsruwterf
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.

Misspells: Fletwurst Frretwurst Fretwursst Fretvvurst Fretwursta Fertwurst Fretwurts Fretwusrt

Rijmen: knackwurst knockwurst liverwurst Hurst Pankhurst burst cloudburst networked sweatshirt effort desert excerpt

Meaning of this name is unknown.
fretwurst says: fretwurst in amerika suchen

Thomas Fretwurst says: 1. The name is of Low Saxon/Low German origin. 'Fret' derives from the Low Saxon verb 'freten' meaning 'to eat'. 'wurst' meaning 'wurst' (i.e. 'sausage'). It's assumed that it is a short form of a good wish or blessing of a newborn ('Mögest du immer ausreichend [Wurst] zu essen haben/May you always have enough [meat] to eat'). I read this once in a lexicon about german names. 2. According to oral tradition in my family, the name is the result of a bad translation from Low Saxon to German. The origin would be 'Friewurt'. 'frie' meaning 'free' and 'wurt' meaning 'dwelling mound' or 'Hofstatt/farmstead' respectively 'Boden/soil' in general. The name would then refer to 'a free man who lives on his own land'. Looking at the "birthplace" of the name (modern day Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) this oral tradition could be correct. Or it is just a made up story because the meaning (see 1.) got lost over the centuries and someone thought the meaning of the name would be something like 'Wurstfresser/sausage eater') and didn't like it.

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