Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Edgworth
We have no records about Edgworth being used as firstname.
De achternaam Edgworth wordt minstens 54 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (USA,UK)
Gegeven namen
Margaret Edgworth (3) Peter Edgworth (2) Kate Edgworth (2) Sarah Edgworth (2) Linda Edgworth (2) Marcus Edgworth (2) Maureen Edgworth (2) Martin Edgworth (2) Janine Edgworth (2) Paul Edgworth (2) Sara Edgworth (2) Christopher Edgworth (2) Harry Edgworth (2) Scott Edgworth (2) Jane Edgworth (2) Steven Edgworth (1) Tony Edgworth (1) Tracey Edgworth (1) Sharon Edgworth (1) Shari Edgworth (1) Richard Edgworth (1) Pamela Edgworth (1) Paula Edgworth (1) Lucy Edgworth (1) Charlotte Edgworth (1) Cynthia Edgworth (1) Brian Edgworth (1) Belinda Edgworth (1) Ann Edgworth (1) James Edgworth (1) Jeannette Edgworth (1) Lois Edgworth (1) Andrew Edgworth (1) Kerri Edgworth (1) John Edgworth (1) Jodie Edgworth (1) Maurice Edgworth (1) |
Edgworth reversed is Htrowgde
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.
Misspells: Edgwolth Edgworrth Edgvvorth Edgwortha Egdworth Edgworht Edgwotrh
Rijmen: Leavenworth Tamworth Woolworth Wordsworth worth Barth Darth
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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