Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Dulloo

We have no records about Dulloo being used as firstname.
De achternaam Dulloo wordt minstens 85 keer gebruikt in ten minste 7 landen.
Chinese: 杜卢 (pinyin: dù lú)

      Surname Dulloo
Gegeven namen
Mohammad Dulloo (7)
Ehsan Dulloo (3)
Begum Dulloo (3)
Yusuf Dulloo (2)
Samirah Dulloo (2)
Muhammad Dulloo (2)
Rasida Dulloo (2)
Sahid Dulloo (1)
Sabina Dulloo (1)
Rashida Dulloo (1)
Parveen Dulloo (1)
Mussad Dulloo (1)
Naseem Dulloo (1)
Silvia Dulloo (1)
Javed Dulloo (1)
Roukshana Dulloo (1)
Oumar Dulloo (1)
Zainah Dulloo (1)
Suraj Dulloo (1)
Sheikh Dulloo (1)
Sultana Dulloo (1)
Shaheen Dulloo (1)
Mohummud Dulloo (1)
Bibi Dulloo (1)
Bye Dulloo (1)
Coorban Dulloo (1)
Bhye Dulloo (1)
Ashad Dulloo (1)
Adam Dulloo (1)
Aneesa Dulloo (1)
Anjanee Dulloo (1)
Fadhill Dulloo (1)
Fadil Dulloo (1)
Hassan Dulloo (1)
Mithra Dulloo (1)
Habibullah Dulloo (1)
Gawshan Dulloo (1)
Fazeela Dulloo (1)
Farad Dulloo (1)
Farhaan Dulloo (1)
Farhad Dulloo (1)
Aadil Dulloo (1)


Dulloo reversed is Oollud
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ullodo Oulold Lduolo Loldou Olodlu Uldool
Misspells: Dullooa Dluloo Dulolo

Rijmen: Waterloo hullabaloo igloo true blue drew blew brew

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Mohundass DULLOO says: Dulloo originates from Kashmir; initially Hindus of brahmin origin, the Dulloos like adventures thus travel a lot.

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schrijvers: E Dulloo, Mohammad Ehsan Dulloo

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