Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Cottu

We have no records about Cottu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Cottu wordt minstens 125 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.
Chinese: 科蒂 (pinyin: kē dì)

      Surname Cottu
Gegeven namen
Michele Cottu (5)
Giovanni Cottu (5)
Giuseppe Cottu (5)
Salvatore Cottu (4)
Pietro Cottu (4)
Antonio Cottu (4)
Caterina Cottu (3)
Pasqua Cottu (3)
Walter Cottu (3)
Alain Cottu (3)
Maddalena Cottu (3)
Stephane Cottu (2)
Marco Cottu (2)
Maryvonne Cottu (2)
Marie Cottu (2)
Sebastien Cottu (2)
Olivier Cottu (2)
Tonino Cottu (2)
Antonello Cottu (2)
Pina Cottu (1)
Salvator Cottu (1)
David Cottu (1)
Gilles Cottu (1)
Sylvie Cottu (1)
Corinne Cottu (1)
Gilbert Cottu (1)
Danielle Cottu (1)
Bernard Cottu (1)
Yohann Cottu (1)
Josette Cottu (1)
Michel Cottu (1)
Nicole Cottu (1)
Jean Cottu (1)
Virginie Cottu (1)
Yveline Cottu (1)
Gaston Cottu (1)
Christele Cottu (1)
Thierry Cottu (1)
Christophe Cottu (1)
Antioco Cottu (1)
Giulia Cottu (1)
Maria Cottu (1)
Michela Cottu (1)
Amelia Cottu (1)
Aldo Cottu (1)
Michelina Cottu (1)
Marianna Cottu (1)
Giovanna Cottu (1)
Iolanda Cottu (1)
Pierpaola Cottu (1)
Rosa Cottu (1)
Frederic Cottu (1)
Madeleine Cottu (1)
Philippe Cottu (1)
Pierre Cottu (1)
Eliane Cottu (1)
Pinuccia Cottu (1)
Catherine Cottu (1)
Ingrid Cottu (1)
Francois Cottu (1)
Yves Cottu (1)

Cottu   Cottu   

Cottu reversed is Uttoc
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Cotut Otcut Tutoc Ucott Totuc Ctout
Misspells: Cottua Ctotu Cotut

Rijmen: to do into two too

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Giuseppe cottu says: The meaning of the Name Cottu is a secret of the "barbagia di ollolai", the mountains in the Center From the italian Island sardegna. In this Region is a little village who calls "Komposition". 2000 persons live there. The famoust proportional From there are "Franco Columbu,bodybuilder,friend From Arnold schwarzenegger, now los angelos, and the footballplayer Daniele "el sardo" Cottu, now Stuttgart, Germany.

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schrijvers: M. Cottu, P.-H. Cottu

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